
How To Start Meal Planning

How To Start Meal Planning

You don’t have to be a client at LIV Fitness in Livermore, CA, to understand it takes a healthy lifestyle, not just exercise, to be your fittest. Adequate sleep, plenty of hydration, and a healthy diet are other factors to help you be your best. Focusing on healthier eating is easier when you start meal planning. It saves you time and once you get into the swing of things, is faster than carryout meals. You simply heat and eat the preprepared meals.

Spend a night planning meals, one shopping, and the weekend cooking.

Spend one night creating a meal for the following week. Make sure you use food leftover from one meal in another meal. For instance, if you bake a whole chicken, serve the baked chicken one night, make chicken salad, a chicken casserole, and chicken vegetable soup for other meals. You won’t have leftovers because they’ll all be in meals planned for the week. List all ingredients necessary and shop all at one time after you’ve eaten so snack foods aren’t part of your purchases. While cooking all meals at once sounds difficult, it isn’t. It takes less time since you use many ingredients for several meals, and everything cooks simultaneously.

You don’t have to spend all day cooking, just do double duty when you’re cooking regular meals.

You can use a multicooker, stovetop, oven, microwave, and slow cooker all at the same time to reduce the time spent in the kitchen. A lot of time spent is the actual process of food being baked, broiled, or boiled and time spent in the oven or stovetop. You can shorten the time by immediately prepping vegetables and fruit when you get home from the grocery. Cook two dishes in the oven at the same time, too.

We can make it easier.

When you use the LIV app, we cut meal planning time in half. We create menus for you and even a shopping list. If you don’t like one dish recommended, switch it out for one you do. We also create a shopping list for you. Check your cupboards to see if you have the ingredients, and if you do, delete it from the list. It prevents waste and saves money. The meals are created for your needs, whether you’re lactose intolerant or want anti-aging meals.

  • Double up the recipes and freeze the extra meals. You can take a week off, have food ready for emergencies or busy weeks, or have meals for unexpected guests at dinner.
  • Meal planning includes creating healthy snacks. Having cantaloupe cut up and ready to eat, or homemade healthy trail mix that’s ready in a pinch when you need a boost of energy between meals.
  • Opt for in-season fruits and vegetables to save even more money. If you have a local farmers’ market or a roadside stand with homegrown organic vegetables close, include it in your shopping trip.
  • Package food in serving sizes, so there’s no question at mealtime. It saves money by eliminating waste and helps with portion control. It’s ready to heat and eat. It’s faster than sitting in a drive-through line and far more nutritious.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Calculate Your BMI---Body Mass Index

How To Calculate Your BMI—Body Mass Index

At some point in life, most people have received a BMI calculation. BMI stands for body mass index. It uses your height and weight to calculate general fitness. It’s a simple calculation that uses a chart with weight at the top and height at the side. It’s a quick way for physicians to identify whether you’re underweight, healthy, overweight, obese, or extremely obese. While men and women have separate charts, eliminating that issue, there are other problems if the BMI chart is the only way you calculate weight.

The flaws in the height-to-weight BMI chart can make a difference.

The chart correlates your height-to-weight ratio with numbers ranging from 1-30. If you’re a 5’6″ female and weigh 150 pounds, you’d be healthy according to the BMI chart. If you gained five pounds, the chart says you’d be overweight. Suppose the extra five pounds came from muscle tissue weight. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. You could potentially gain five pounds but be thinner. The BMI chart doesn’t allow for body build or the amount of muscle tissue you have. Insurance companies use BMI to evaluate health, too. Insurance companies have required bodybuilders with muscular physiques to send pictures or pay more for insurance because their BMI indicated they were obese.

Calculate your ideal body weight.

BMI uses numbers to represent the height-to-weight ratio. Below 18.5 is underweight, 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy, 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight, and 30.0 and above is obese. You can calculate your number without using a chart. Take your weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared. Multiply that number by 703. BMI = weight in pounds / (height in inches X height in inches) X 703. If you’re a 5’7″ (67″) female who weighs 120 pounds, multiply your height in inches by your height in inches to get 4489. Then divide your weight by that number. 120/4489=0267320115838717. Multiply that number by 703 to get 18.7926. That falls into the healthy range.

Bone structure plays a role.

People with larger bone structures can weigh more without looking overweight when compared to those with a smaller frame. If you have a higher BMI number, but a big build it can result in a false result. To find your body build, use your wrist measurements. Wrap the thumb and middle finger of one hand around the wrist of the other hand. If your finger and thumb don’t touch, your build is big. If they touch, your build is average. If you can overlap your finger and thumb, your build is small.

  • Find your ideal body weight with a simple formula. Men start with 106 pounds for the first 60 inches and add 6 pounds for every inch more. Women use 100 pounds for the first 60 inches and add five pounds for each additional inch.
  • Subtract 10% from the baseline ideal weight to find your ideal weight if you have a small frame. Add 10% to find the ideal weight for a large frame.
  • Waistline circumference is a better predictor of health. Carrying your weight around your mid-section puts you at risk of health conditions. Men with a waist circumference of 40.2 inches or greater and women with a waistline of 34.6 inches or more face increased health risks.
  • RFM, a new technique, stands for relative fat mass index. Waist measurement replaces weight as part of the calculation. It’s just as easy as BMI but more accurate at predicting health.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Lose Belly Fat

How To Lose Belly Fat

One goal most people strive to achieve is to lose belly fat. Whether you want your new six-pack abs to show or reduce your unsightly protruding belly, you have to do several things to make it happen. Belly fat is visceral fat, the most dangerous type of fat. It crowds organs, creates inflammation, and causes health issues. It’s also the hardest type of fat to lose. If you have visceral fat, getting a flat stomach is impossible without making other lifestyle changes.

It all starts with a healthy diet.

You can’t spot-reduce, so don’t think that only doing crunches, leg lifts, and sit-ups will solve your problem. Getting rid of belly fat starts with a healthy diet. Fat is stored calories ready to burn for energy. If you want to burn belly fat, you have to lose weight. That means reducing your calorie intake and getting your energy from the fat stored all over your body. Beware of choosing diet drinks. Studies show there’s a link between diet drinks and belly fat.

Some foods are better at burning belly fat than others.

If you have a low-calorie diet and all those calories come from simple carbs, losing belly fat will be a greater struggle. A low-carb diet and eliminating sugar, sugary drinks, and highly processed food helps. Increasing fiber also can help reduce belly fat. It slows glucose absorption into the bloodstream and helps prevent insulin resistance by stabilizing blood glucose levels. Insulin resistance can cause belly fat. What’s worse is that belly fat can cause insulin resistance, so it’s a vicious cycle.

Stress adds to the problem.

Stress creates a flight-or-flight response that sends a rush of hormones, including cortisol. It reduces circulation in the digestive system and makes belly fat more likely. Cortisol is also linked to increased hunger. Exercise burns off some stress hormones, but you can help prevent your body from creating them by learning relaxation techniques, such as meditation, controlled breathing techniques, or other options like yoga or tai chi.

Include HIIT—high intensity interval training—sessions in your workout. You alternate the intensity of any exercise between maximum intensity and recovery. It burns more calories and relieves stress in less time.

Drink plenty of water. It fills you up so you eat less, boosts your energy so you burn more calories, and helps flush out waste.

If you make the extra fiber in your diet soluble fiber, your microbes will help you lose belly fat. The beneficial bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids that aid in reducing belly fat and lower the risk of increasing it.

Get adequate sleep. When you have too little sleep, your body produces more ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and less leptin—the one that makes you feel full. You’ll eat more when you lack sleep.

The Benefits Of Using A Weightlifting Belt

The Benefits Of Using A Weightlifting Belt

Weightlifting belts were popular in Livermore, CA, before 2000 but have since dropped out of vogue. Some people believe it can inhibit the building of lower back or core strength. It’s not a substitute for using core muscles but a way to increase the stability of your spine if you’re lifting heavy loads. It can help prevent the effect of compression on the spine. Studies show that a belt may allow you to increase muscle activity by as much as 25%. It also increases ab and lower-back muscle use.

When you lift, your abs and lower back muscles push on the spine from the outside.

That pressure can cause injury if it isn’t offset by an equal pressure pushing from the inside. That pressure is intra-abdominal pressure. A belt increased that pressure by 40% to push the spine from the inside to offset the outside pressure and stabilize the spine. It can reduce the compression of the discs between the vertebra significantly. The belt doesn’t supply the support, the muscles do. It’s the way the muscles react to the belt that does the job.

Your performance will improve when you use a belt.

Research shows that using a belt can improve muscle growth, power, and strength when doing lower body exercises. One study following lifters with at least five years of doing maximum weight one-repetition lifts compared results from two separate lifts, one with and one without a belt. It showed that a belt allowed the lifters to increase the weight they lift by an average of 10 pounds. Several other research projects showed belts helped increase the activity of the hamstrings and quadriceps. Increased activity of the muscles leads to improved muscle growth. Other studies showed improved lifting speed with a belt.

A belt may improve body mechanics.

The belt makes the lifter more aware of the back position. Feeling the belt against the skin increases the sensation of muscle activation and helps the lifter focus on better lifting posture. You don’t have to wear the belt tightly to get that result but do need it tight for stabilization. It can also improve confidence and a feeling of security, even though there’s no direct effect on muscle activation.

  • The belt forms a wall around the lower torso, so it can help prevent hyperextension of the back. It also helps maintain good posture by preventing the lifter from leaning backward, sideways, or twisting.
  • A trainer is vital when learning to squeeze ab muscles correctly, but a weightlifting belt can also help. Use the belt in conjunction with work on technical skills, stabilization drills, and core work.
  • If you’re wearing the belt tightly, don’t wear your belt for long periods. It may elevate blood pressure when worn longer. Always loosen the belt between sets.
  • Only wear belts where back hyperextension may occur or when performing maximal lifts, like deadlifts or squats. For exercises like pull-downs or leg extensions, belts aren’t necessary and do no good. Continuously wearing them may decrease abdominal muscle strength.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

The term intermittent fasting—IF—describes a technique using meal timing. People fast within a specific window and the balance of the time, eat normally. Initially, doctors used IF to help control seizures and for other medical issues. Today, many people use it for weight loss. IF isn’t rigid. You can do it in several ways. The most popular is too fast for an extended period, such as 14 to 16 hours, consuming only tea, coffee, or water, then eat normally the rest of the time. Some forms include alternating days of normal eating with fasting days or ones when you eat limited calories.

You’ll get better results if you eat healthy when you use IF for weight loss.

People who use IF for weight loss focus more on timing the meals, rather than what they consume. While there are no food restrictions with IF, if you’re using it for weight loss, you’ll experience improved results by choosing healthy options rather than junk food. IF allows you to eat more at each meal, so you never feel deprived. During the fasting period, your body burns fat, rather than glucose, as fuel. That also helps lower insulin levels in the blood, can make cells less insulin resistant, and aid in weight loss.

Studies show IF can be a healthy option for some people.

Many of the studies on IF were animal studies. One early rat study showed the group fed every other day lived 83% longer and remained more youthful than those that had food on demand. They also had fewer age-related illnesses. During fasting, the body removes damaged cells that could lead to cancer. The body also removes cellular waste more efficiently during IF. It also caused the genes controlling longevity to improve. One beneficial change was an increase in HGH—human growth hormone. HGH can help weight loss by increasing muscle mass, decreasing body fat, and improving exercise capacity.

Not everyone should do IF.

People with diabetes and those taking blood pressure or heart medication shouldn’t use IF unless it’s under a doctor’s supervision. IF isn’t appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding women either. It may negatively affect people with eating disorders or those prone to eating disorders. If you have any type of health issue, always check with your healthcare professional before starting any type of diet.

  • The easiest way to do IF is to extend the 8-hour nighttime fast when you sleep to a 16-hour fast. You’ll eat the first meal at 10 a.m. and eat the last one at 6 p.m.
  • Most people eat less if their food intake is limited to a specific time window. While you may eat as much or more at each meal when you follow IF, you’ll eat fewer meals.
  • A review of recent studies shows that IF can reduce fat by 16% or more in 12 weeks or less. It can cause as much as an 8% reduction in weight.
  • Combining IF with a ketogenic diet can improve results. It can cut the time to reach ketosis, which is the key to losing weight with a keto diet.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Balance Weight Loss With Muscle Gain

How To Balance Weight Loss With Muscle Gain

If you’re focused on getting in shape but in addition to building muscle, you have to lose weight, you have to be careful or you’ll sabotage your efforts. Undertaking a weight loss program doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll only lose fat. Sometimes, you lose lean muscle mass, too. When you cut calories, you don’t always have the nutrients necessary for muscle gain either. You need to focus on both diet and exercise to achieve weight loss while building or preserving muscle tissue.

Having a great body starts in the kitchen.

Gaining weight occurs when you consume more calories than you burn. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you eat. You can’t exercise off a high-calorie diet. You have to cut back on calorie consumption, while ensuring you have adequate protein to build muscle. The amount of protein varies by weight, sex, age, and activity level. In order to build muscle and burn fat, you also need healthy fat in your diet. Eliminating fried food and highly processed carbs is the first step.

Your workout plays an important role.

If you’re trying to build muscle and lose weight by increasing your cardio, it’s a recipe for failure. Cardiovascular workouts torch calories indiscriminately. They burn calories from both fat and lean muscle tissue. That loss of muscle tissue not only defeats your muscle building, but it also slows weight loss, too. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the higher your metabolism. Increase your strength-building exercises but make sure you provide 48-72 recovery time between sessions. Add HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts. It’s not a type of exercise, but a way of doing them. It alternates intensity from high intensity to recovery and back.

Don’t starve yourself.

Sure, you want to lose weight, but drastically cutting calories isn’t the answer. Reducing your caloric intake by approximately 500 a day can give you a good start. When you add strength-building and HIIT, you’ll burn more calories. If your workout is intense, increase your calorie allotment slightly. Don’t forget to include pre-workout and post-workout snacks for the best results. The post-workout snack of protein and carbs can help boost recovery and build muscle.

  • Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t losing weight faster, especially if you’re building muscle tissue. You may be losing fat and building muscle tissue, which weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does.
  • Eating carbs earlier in the day can be beneficial. You’ll have adequate time to burn the calories, so you don’t store them as fat. Eating a carb and protein snack an hour before working out can increase your workout efforts and help you burn more calories.
  • You may have great muscles, but you won’t see the definition until you lose the extra fat. Keep your eye on your goal. The fat is hiding the muscle tissue you’ve built.
  • Find ways to burn extra calories, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Staying hydrated also helps you burn more calories and can cut your appetite, too.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Stop Overeating Chocolate And Other Sweet Treats

How To Stop Overeating Chocolate And Other Sweet Treats

Everyone loves something sweet, whether it’s a juicy orange or a sweet treat. The problem with satisfying that craving for sugar with chocolate or other food with added sugar makes it even more difficult to stop overeating sugary delights once you start. That’s because sugar stimulates brain neuroreceptors which opioids also stimulate. It releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine. That reward increases your desire to eat more. It’s similar to using recreational drugs. The more you eat, the more you want.

Is it better to cut back and wean yourself from sugar or give it up completely?

The response for each person will vary, but one thing doesn’t. If you’re going cold turkey and eliminating sweet treats, carefully choose your food. Everything that isn’t whole food seems to have added sugar, whether it’s ketchup, bread, or the more obvious, soft drinks. Giving up sugar can help prevent the desire to eat more, but it’s hard to do. It takes several days to weeks to work through the sugar cravings. If you wean yourself from sugar, it causes cravings to continue just as strong and can make it harder to quit.

Postpone eating sugar when you have a craving.

Everyone has their “sweet spot,” the desire for sugar sparking a marathon of candy bars, pastries, and ice cream If you’re weaning off sugar, try the procrastination approach. Instead of going to the cupboard or stopping at the store, do something else. Go for a walk, clean out the junk drawer, or, even better, exercise! Do whatever it takes to postpone eating the sugary treat. If you’re hungry and it’s time for a snack, have nuts, cottage cheese, or fresh fruit or vegetables ready to fill the hunger hole.

Cut out sweet treats one at a time and work up to all food with added sugar.

If your goal is a healthier lifestyle, cutting out all types of food with added sugar gives you a jump start. Start by limiting treats to once or twice a day. Then expand by cutting back to one treat a day and then none. You’ll slowly reduce the sugar you eat. Eventually, your diet will be free of added sugar and you won’t crave it.

  • People often fail to realize that soft drinks and fruit juice count as a sugary treat. Drinks are super high in sugar and just as addictive. Even zero-calorie drinks with artificial sweeteners can keep the sugar addiction strong.
  • Once you give up the obvious sugary treats, you might find you crave crackers, pasta, and white bread. They’re loaded with sugar, too. All you’re looking for is a big rush of glucose. Limit those foods if you’re weaning off sugar.
  • Find ways to get the sweet flavor without the rush of glucose. Create snacks with fruit. Make a parfait with plain Greek yogurt, berries, a half banana chopped, and nuts. It can help fill your craving for sugar without throwing gasoline on the fire.
  • It takes a while to get your tastebuds to adapt. When you eat sugar, it requires more sugar each time to get the same sweet flavor. It takes as long to get your taste buds back to enjoying natural sweetness.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

What Genetic Predispositions Increase The Risk Of Becoming Obese?

What Genetic Predispositions Increase The Risk Of Becoming Obese?

If you’re like many people in Livermore, CA, you’ve heard the latest scientific discovery linking a genetic factor to the potential of becoming obese. While genetic makeup dramatically affects your future, it doesn’t seal your fate. A predisposition means you must work harder and be more careful with your diet and other lifestyle options. Scientists recently analyzed human genome sections affecting body weight in four hundred thousand people. The people in the top 10% containing those markers were 25 times more likely to become severely obese than those in the bottom 10%.

It doesn’t mean you have to become obese.

Even if you have all the markers of obesity, your lifestyle plays an important role. While it doesn’t seem fair, people with the genetic markers of obesity have to be more careful and live a healthier lifestyle than those that don’t have the markers. It also doesn’t mean that someone with few genetic markers can avoid obesity if they live only on pastry, snack food, and other foods high in empty calories.

Your lifestyle plays a critical role.

There’s always been a debate about nature vs nurture. Which one plays the most important role in all facets of life? For obesity, it looks like it’s a 50/50 split. You inherit the genes that provide a predisposition to obesity, but after that, it’s your lifestyle that determines your outcome. It explains why two people in the same family can have very different body shapes and weights.

Just because you have a genetic predisposition toward obesity, it doesn’t make it bad.

Genes linked to excess body fat may protect the body from other health issues. Scientists also discovered 62 sections of markers that were associated with both a lower risk of heart disease and a higher risk of excess body fat. There was a difference between healthy fat cells and unhealthy ones. The key was the fat created, how the fat was distributed, and the regulation of inflammation and energy. It explains why about 45% of the people who are obese maintain healthy blood pressure, lipid levels, and glucose levels and remain relatively healthy.

  • Even if you don’t have genetic markers for obesity, you aren’t out of the woods. In the study of genetics, people without the genetic markers of obesity still developed it. That places the burden back on lifestyle.
  • Early childhood plays a role, particularly when it comes to health interventions. It doesn’t mean adults can’t change their future. It’s just easier when you learn healthier options early in life.
  • Even if you do have the genetic markers to improve heart health, people with obesity face a 72% higher risk for diabetes, increase the risk of high blood pressure by 38%, and are 34% more likely to develop heart failure.
  • Our personal trainers at LIV Fitness can help you develop a personalized plan for a healthier life, whether you have a predisposition to obesity or not. It’s all about you, your goals, and present fitness level.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

What Are The Most Energizing Foods, And Why?

What Are The Most Energizing Foods, And Why?

It’s three in the afternoon and you’re wiped out. Is it time to grab a candy bar or drink a cup of coffee? The answer is a resounding no. While those types of energizing foods give a quick boost, they only provide that boost for a short time, then the dip in energy goes even lower. Real energizing food gives sustained energy that diminishes slowly. Carbohydrates provide quick energy and simple carbs immediately boost blood sugar levels. Complex carbs digest slower, as do proteins and fats.

Fiber slows the rush of carbohydrates.

When you eat a carbohydrate high in fiber, the fiber slows the glucose absorption. Fiber helps provide a longer energy boost. Chickpeas provide energy. They’re high in protein and contain both fiber and carbs. They also have a wealth of nutrients, including iron. Make those energizing chickpeas into hummus and dip sweet red peppers. The vitamin C in sweet red peppers boosts the absorption of iron.

Grab a handful of nuts or eat a hard-boiled egg instead of a donut.

You’ll get the boost of protein that keeps your body energized longer. Add a slice of whole-grain toast or bread to make the boost even quicker. If you want an easier solution, eat a handful of nuts or nut butter on whole wheat toast or bread. Combining nut butter protein with the fiber and carbohydrates of the bread helps keep blood sugar levels. If the nuts are walnuts, that’s even better. Walnuts can improve cognitive functioning.

Make a yogurt combo.

A banana has sugar, but it also has fiber that slows digestion and reduces spikes. So do berries and Greek yogurt. As mentioned previously, nuts, especially walnuts, are also good options. When you combine those all in a parfait, you’ll get a satisfying treat that can boost your energy for hours. Only use the unflavored yogurt, since the others are high in simple sugars that spike glucose levels. For the healthiest option, use yogurt with live cultures.

  • If you want to boost your energy, drink a glass of water. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired. If drinking water helps your flagging energy, sip on water throughout the day to prevent fatigue before it occurs.
  • Start your day with oatmeal to keep you going strong throughout the day. Oatmeal is loaded with fiber and includes protein. Top it with nut butter, blueberries, or other fruit to improve that boost and add flavor.
  • You’ll be surprised how sweet beets can taste when you steam them with the skin on and slide it off right before you eat them. Beets offer loads of fiber and nutrients. Drinking beet juice can also keep you going strong during high-intensity exercise.
  • A cup of coffee is a well-known energy booster, but tea, especially green tea, can also keep you running strong. There is less caffeine in tea and the L-theanine buffers the caffeine, preventing the jitters and the sudden drop in energy.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Will Exercise Help Me Burn More Fat?

Will Exercise Help Me Burn More Fat?

If you live in Livermore, CA, you probably see people running or doing yoga at the beach. Exercise has become a way of life for some. Others are just starting. They begin for various reasons. People may want to build their stamina, lower their blood pressure, or burn more fat. Are all of those things possible? It depends on the goal and the exercise you’re doing, especially for fat burning.

You’ll burn tons of calories when you do cardio, but will you burn fat?

There is no doubt about it, you’ll burn some fat when you do cardio, but you’ll also burn some lean muscle mass. That’s because cardio uses both lean muscle mass and fat to get the calories necessary. While you’ll lose weight, it won’t change your body composition. You’ll have the same proportions of fat to muscle but weigh less. If fat burning is your goal, you need some cardio for endurance, but it’s not the ultimate answer.

Strength building is perfect for fat burning.

Just like cardio, strength-building exercises require a lot of calories. Unlike cardio, the body uses fat to get those calories and builds muscle tissue at the same time. The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does to maintain. Strength training also continues to burn fat after you quit. It burns extra calories for up to 48 hours after you end your exercise session to get the body back to a steady state condition. It burns an extra 10 calories every hour, but since it can last up to 48 hours, it can add up to a significant number.

HIIT workouts are a way to do exercises that burn fat, not a type of exercise.

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It’s a simple method that can maximize your exercise time. You modify your intensity throughout the workout, going from high intensity to moderate recovery and back to high intensity. HIIT boosts the body into higher metabolism and studies show that burns more fat than steady-state workouts, even though both are important. It allows you to work at high-intensity effort longer and you can use it with any type of exercise, even walking.

  • Using kettlebells can provide a fat-burning option that’s also fun. Kettlebells provide balance, flexibility, endurance, and strength training all in one and burn lots of calories.
  • Vary your workout to increase the fat and calories you burn. You’ll maximize the benefit when you vary your workout regularly. When the body becomes too efficient at a workout, it doesn’t burn as many calories.
  • Don’t forget a healthy diet with plenty of protein to build muscle. You can workout long hours and still not burn fat if you’re eating more calories than you burn. The calories in some junk foods are far higher than the number you’ll burn working out.
  • Hydrate and get adequate sleep. Your body needs rest to heal muscles after a tough workout. Lack of sleep can also cause a hormone imbalance making weight loss more difficult. Hydrate frequently, especially before meals. You’ll eat less and lose weight faster.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness