Fitness & Wellness

Set Smart Goals And Actually Achieve Them

Set Smart Goals And Actually Achieve Them

At LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, we encourage people to set smart goals, since it’s the best way to achieve them. Fitness goals need to be realistic. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. Start with a specific goal. Vague goals, such as I want to lose weight or get into shape, don’t provide any information to let you know you’ve achieved your goal. If you are fifty pounds overweight and say you want to lose weight, do you achieve your goal when you’ve lost a pound? Decide exactly what you want and achieve it.

Make your goal measurable.

You need to know if you’re making progress and have a way to measure success. Do you want to lose inches, pounds or have enough energy to climb five flights of stairs in under five minutes without having to stop. When you can measure your goals, you know whether you’re making progress. It allows you to set milestones so you can celebrate occasionally. Everyone needs that, no matter what their goals.

Make sure your goal is attainable.

Too often people want to make the progress move faster, but that’s not how the body works. In order to lose one pound, you have to eat 3500 fewer calories than you burn. It’s impossible to permanently lose twenty pounds in a day, but not to lose twenty pounds in two months. While you want to reach for the stars and aim high, building muscles doesn’t happen overnight. A lofty goal is important, but so is having an appropriate amount of time to do it.

Is your goal relevant and time-based?

What is a relevant goal? It’s one that’s important to you. If you want to lose weight because someone told you that you should, you won’t have the success you’d have if you really wanted the weight loss. Don’t let someone determine your goals. Of course, a health care professional may tell you that you need to lose weight. In that case, focus only on how good you’d feel and how much longer and healthier you’d live. Making your goal time-based gives you a deadline. If you don’t, the goal becomes a “some day” and that never comes.

  • Your plan of action should include the steps you take to reach your goals. Those steps might include eating healthy or exercising every other day.
  • Track your progress. If you don’t track your progress, how will you know if you’ve succeeded. Track your progress in the gym by the amount of weight you lift or reps you do. You can even use other measures.
  • Make your goals a priority. They should be important to you. You should schedule your workout as you would any appointment, which also helps make it a habit and ensures you’ll stick with the program.
  • Keep your goals in front of you. Some people put them on sticky notes and post them around the house. Do something every day to help achieve your fitness goals. It doesn’t have to be working out in the gym, doing something fun, yet active is important, too.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Do You Need Grains In Your Diet For Weight Loss?

Do You Need Grains In Your Diet For Weight Loss?

Eating whole grains can help you reach your weight loss goal, since they offer nutrients, plus loads of fiber. While white, refined grains contain only the endosperm, which is loaded with carbs and offer no nutrition, whole grains contain bran and germ, in addition to the endosperm. Germ contains nutrients that are important to the immune system and other bodily functions. It also contains fiber, which fills you up, without loads of extra calories.

While whole grains are healthy, they aren’t necessary for weight loss.

The Paleo diet, which doesn’t include grains, is a healthy diet and can help boost weight loss. It does, however, contain alternate types of fiber from fruits and vegetables. You can get the same nutrients as you do from fruits and vegetables as you get from fruits and vegetables. Grain provides an alternate that’s also good to eat.

There are two types of fiber in whole grains.

There are two types of fiber. One is insoluble fiber, which provides bulk for your stool and makes going to the bathroom easier. The other is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber feeds your microbiome, the bacteria in your gut that is responsible for being your healthiest and keep your metabolism burning high. Soluble fiber, unlike insoluble fiber, dissolves in water forming a thick gel. It’s the most common type of fiber in grains, but you can get it elsewhere. It’s in seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables and legumes. If you don’t eat whole grains, you must eat these other types of food. It’s very high in winter squash, broccoli, and berries.

You can prevent chronic inflammation by including whole grains.

When the body is invaded by detrimental bacteria from infection or from an injury, inflammation sets in to protect the body. It causes redness, pain and swelling to do that. It’s meant to be a short-term process and part of the healing process. However, when it continues and becomes chronic, it can cause damage to blood vessels, fatigue, chronic disease, such as cancer, and joint pain. It also can lead to obesity. Inflammation leads to an increase in body fat. Whole grains aid in controlling inflammation, making weight loss easier.

  • Not only does soluble fiber feed your microbiome, it also slows down digestion so you feel fuller longer. It also helps maintain blood sugar levels that can prevent them from spiking and lead to insulin resistance.
  • Nutritionists often recommend that obese people eat food that’s rich in fiber. Just three servings a day can help reduce belly fat. Whole grains are rich in fiber.
  • Although whole grains may help you lose weight with their fiber and nutrients, they’re also higher in calories than other sources of fiber. A slice of whole wheat bread contains 130 calories. A cup of chopped carrots are just 55 calories and has a lot of nutrients.
  • While whole grains help fight inflammation, so do other foods, such as legumes. Legumes also help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Protein Powders And Shakes - Good Or Bad?

Protein Powders And Shakes – Good Or Bad?

You see them everywhere, protein powders and shakes. They were at one time strictly in supplement and health food stores, but now are on grocery shelves, discount stores and pharmacies. To make it more confusing, there are protein drinks and powders of all kinds. There are ones for seniors, ones for bodybuilders and ones for vegetarians. Are they a waste of money? Dangerous? Or truly beneficial? For seniors, the answer might be yes, since the ability to use protein efficiently diminishes with age. How vigorously you exercise and your weight and muscular development also play a role.

Your protein intake varies by a number of factors.

If you’re female, you need less protein than a male. Your body weight also plays a key role in the amount of protein you need. The more you weigh, the more protein you require. If you aren’t using your muscles, like exercising, which can cause micro tears, you don’t need as much protein as an active person. Protein is used to help repair those tears and build more muscle mass. Someone with an intense workout schedule, like an athlete, needs the most. As noted previously, aging can also cause a need for more protein.

In the United States and other developed countries, protein deficiency isn’t a wide spread problem.

Marasmus, Kwashiorkor, inherited conditions and Cachexia are protein deficiency diseases. Marasmus and Kwshiorkor come from dietary lack of protein. Their symptoms include irritability, fatigue, lack of growth, diarrhea and impaired or stunted cognitive functioning or mental health issues. Lack of protein is most often seen in third world countries, especially during famine, when food is hard to find. On the other end of the spectrum, you can have too much protein. It can occur when you eat more than 2.2 grams per kilogram of weight over an extended time. Symptoms are dehydration, exhaustion, nausea, headache, irritability, with severe ones being kidney disease, seizures, blood vessel disorders, cardiovascular and liver disease that can result in death.

You probably don’t need any protein supplement or shake if you have a healthy diet.

There’s no harm in drinking a protein shake occasionally, but you should never do it to replace a healthy meal. A little extra protein may be good if you’re older or have a tough workout schedule. You don’t need to sprinkle on protein or add extra protein at every meal. Unless your health care professional advises otherwise, limit the additional protein supplements and simply eat healthier.

  • Every part of the body uses protein as building blocks. The body needs it to make skin, muscle, bones, cartilage and blood.
  • If you’re trying to lose weight, protein can help. Boosting your protein intake will make you feel fuller longer. You don’t need supplements to do that and can get that from eating regular food.
  • One of the drawbacks of consuming high amounts of protein is the bad breath it causes. It’s the type of breath that doesn’t disappear from brushing your teeth or using mouthwash.
  • One of the biggest problems with protein shakes or supplements is that people use them to replace food. That means they don’t get all the nutrients a more traditional meal could supply.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How Fitness Helps With Mental Health

How Fitness Helps With Mental Health

It’s a crazy world and there’s been a lot of anger, fear and despair. One thing that hasn’t helped is the lack of exercise. That’s right! When you workout, it helps relax you and clear your mind. In other words, fitness helps with mental health. Working out boosts your cognitive functioning and raise your spirits in a number of ways. It helps you clear your mind and burns off the hormones that prepare your body for danger.

Your body is controlled when your brain senses danger by hormones created by that stress.

Hormones that prepare you for fighting or fleeing are sent out when you’re under stress. They prepare you to run or fight. Unfortunately, stress today is nothing like early man’s stress, where he was threatened by wild animals or enemies. The action of running or fighting burned off the hormones that prepared the body for fight or flight and boosted the hormones that make you feel good. Studies show that exercising can actually help as an adjunct therapy for people with anxiety or depression. Exercise causes the feel good hormones that make you feel safe and protected to be produced. It only takes moderate exercise several times a week.

Exercise can change your mental functioning.

Not only is exercising good for your emotions, it’s good for your cognitive functioning. Unlike early beliefs, scientists are now finding your brain power can grow. It’s called brain plasticity. Exercise increases the creation of new brain cells and help prevent damage to old ones. It increases circulation that sends nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Several studies show it can slow dementia or mental decline, plus improve how the brain performs. The area of the brain that controls memory, the hippocampus, is also strengthened.

You’ll get a better quality of sleep when you workout and that’s beneficial to your mood and mind.

When you sleep, your brain repairs itself and reorganize. It cleans out waste product during sleep. Lymphatic fluids flow into the open areas between neurons that wider by 60% during sleep, so it’s cleared more quickly. When you workout, not only do you fall asleep quicker, you get better quality of sleep. That helps prevent mental decline.

  • You’ll boost your self-image and even improve your self-confidence when you workout. It improves your posture, to make you look and feel more confident. Test it for yourself by checking your emotions in both a slumped posture and good one.
  • Exercise increases neurohormones that make your mood improve. Those same hormones also improve your cognitive functioning. It increases your heart rate and circulation.
  • Can’t get to the gym or exercise when you’re feeling stressed. Try running up and down steps or going for a walk to feel better. Even if you want to go to bed because you’re depressed, you might find a brisk walk makes you feel better.
  • LIV Fitness is open 24/7. We know that your schedule doesn’t always work with 9 to 5 gyms. It’s the perfect place to go when you need a lift and help getting through anxious moments or feeling a little mentally out of sorts.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Make Time For Workouts When You Don't Have Any Time?

How To Make Time For Workouts When You Don’t Have Any Time?

At LIV Fitness, in Dublin, CA, we help you make time for workouts by offering 24/7 service, but people still find it hard to find the time to add a workout to their schedule. The US Department of Health and Human Services advises adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week or 75 minutes of more intense activity. That urging is obviously ignored when you consider that 80% of the American population doesn’t meet that requirement. Most people say they don’t have enough time, so one solution is to get up earlier and workout in the morning. Not only will working out for 30 minutes every morning get you into a consistent habit, it boosts your metabolism.

Make an appointment with fitness.

One of the biggest reasons getting up early actually works is that there are few distractions to sidetrack you that early in the day. You can get the same results by making your workout an appointment with the gym. Put it in your planner, on your daily calendar, make a reminder to go off in your phone. Do the same things you would do with any important appointment. If you have to schedule another appointment, that time is already taken, just as it would be with any other appointment. Make working out a priority appointment.

Break your workout down to short ten minute sessions.

While this type of workout program is best if you’re working from home, it’s still effective. If you know your schedule is super crowded, add three separate ten-minute workouts between other tasks. Not only will it help you get moving more often during the day, it’s just as effective as a solid 30-minute workout. When you’re working in an office, either close your office door and do some calisthenics or take your break tackling a few flights of steps. Walk to lunch, ride a bike to and from work or do some serious power walking while you’re waiting for the kids at basketball practice.

Pack two bags of workout clothes.

Always have your gym bag and workout clothes with you, so you’re ready to workout and won’t cancel because you left it at home. You may already be driving around with your gym bag and workout clothes in your car, but what about those days you take the clothes inside to wash? That’s why having a second bag ready. Carry not one but two bags with you at all times. One is the emergency bag for those days you forget to replace the bag after you’ve washed your gym clothes.

  • Keep your goal in front of you and conquer your mindset. View exercise as something you love, because it ultimately makes you feel better, not another chore. Make it your special time for yourself.
  • Watching TV can be an opportunity to exercise. Have a list of exercises you can do without disturbing the whole family. Planks, lunges, crunches and squats still allow you to watch, but you’ll be doing it more actively.
  • Cut down the amount of time you spend by doing HIIT—high intensity interval training—or other high intensity workouts. Studies show that shorter HIIT workouts are as effective as longer steady state workouts.
  • Eat healthy, get adequate sleep and hydrate regularly. Those things will help you have more energy to have a more productive workout when you’re at the gym. You also won’t feel too tired to workout.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Why You Need A Workout Buddy

Why You Need A Workout Buddy

If you’re working out with a workout buddy, you’ll get at least one of the benefits you get with a trainer. You make a commitment to that person that you’re going to workout that day, just as you do with a trainer. You’re held accountable by the person you’re supposed to meet and that means on those days when you’d rather not go, you’re more apt to show up for a workout than you would be otherwise. In fact, one study found that if someone was just phoned once every two weeks to check on the progress of exercise, they were 78% more apt to exercise.

A workout buddy knows what you’re doing and how hard you’re working.

It’s only human nature to workout harder if someone is watching. While you may feel like cutting corners and taking it easier, a workout buddy watching you discourages it. Some people find that there’s lots of friendly competition when they workout with a pal. You might feel exhausted, but do one more push-up just to keep up with your exercise partner, or to surpass their accomplishment.

People are more prone to try something more complicated if they are working out with a friend.

Two heads are better than one when it comes to working out. If you’ve considered using kettlebells, but were too intimidated, taking training with a friend might make it easier. Trying free weights for the first time is far easier when you have a friend learning, too. Sometimes, each person has a bit of knowledge, but not enough to forge ahead. When you combine your knowledge with that of your workout buddy, you’re armed with more information.

A workout buddy has your back and you’ll exercise safer.

When you’re using weights, you’re better off if you have a spotter, especially a spotter you can trust. Workout pals do more than just that to help. They can see how you’re performing an exercise and help you correct your form. For those who run, a fellow jogger or runner is extremely important, particularly if you’re running in the morning before it gets light. When there are two of you, if one is injured or has a medical situation, the other can go for help.

  • Workout buddies don’t have to stick with just helping you stick with a workout. They can help you stick with a plan of healthy eating, too. They can provide encouragement and support.
  • Workout partners tend to push each other and find ways to up the ante at a workout. It may be something as simple as doing more reps or more complicated, like changing the workout entirely.
  • Let’s face it, working out alone can be boring. Exercising with someone else, especially if they’re a friend, can make it far more fun. You tend to do things you enjoy.
  • Having the support of a friend when you’re in need of encouragement or someone that knows what an accomplishment you made achieving a goal is another benefit of a workout buddy.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 24/7

Is Intermittent Fasting For You?

Is Intermittent Fasting For You?

Intermittent fasting—IF— has become quite a hot topic in Dublin, CA. Some people think it’s a diet or think that they have to give up food for long periods, but that’s just not true. Intermittent fasting is one method of losing weight and improving health that doesn’t require any specific diet, but of course, healthy eating still is important. It’s a way to schedule your meals and give your digestion a break. It can be as simple as eating only during an eight-hour period and fasting the other sixteen, to eating light or not eating one or two days a week.

Weight loss may be one benefit of intermittent fasting.

There are studies that show both types of IF, eating only within an eight-hour window or fasting for one or two days a week, may help boost weight loss. Your body requires glucose as fuel and that simple sugar comes from food. If the food is sugar or simple carbs, it’s broken down more quickly. If you don’t eat food used to create glucose, after eight-hours, the body breaks down fat for food. Your insulin levels drop and you lose weight. Studies show that using an eight-hour window for food consumption actually lowered subject’s appetite.

Animal studies about intermittent fasting have been around for quite a while.

As early as the 1940s, animal studies on the effects of IF on aging. The studies at the University of Chicago showed that feeding rats on alternate days helped them live longer and delayed the normal signs and diseases of aging. It was surmised that fasting was a normal part of life, since early man did not have easy access to food and often had to go without for several days. The studies showed improved metabolism, weight loss, an aid to fight inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, reduced insulin resistance, and improved removal of damaged cells, which aided in lowering the risk of cancer. It even showed improved brain function.

There can be dangers in fasting and it’s not for everyone.

People with advanced diabetes and take medication shouldn’t fast unless they’re under the supervision of a doctor. Those taking heart medication, blood pressure medicine, are pregnant or breastfeeding or have an eating disorder shouldn’t fast without being closely monitored either or at all in some cases. Even circadian fasting, eating all your food in an eight-hour window and fasting the other 16, need to talk to their health care professional first.

  • IF may be healthy and help you shed extra pounds, but it’s never meant to replace healthy food. If you’re eating junk food in your window of eating, you simply won’t lose weight or be healthier.
  • More recent Japanese human studies confirmed what was learned by earlier animal studies. Fasting tended to slow the aging process, while also speeding up metabolism. Rats on the IF program had dark coats, while their counterparts had grayed or died.
  • One of the reasons circadian fasting may work is that many people gain weight from eating snacks late at night. Narrowing the window, while also reducing hunger is the perfect combination for weight loss.
  • If your doctor okays circadian IF, people with insulin resistance or early diabetes often benefit from it. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, while also increasing energy and mental clarity.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 24/7

Your Fitness Journey Starts Today

Your Fitness Journey Starts Today

You don’t have to study for years to begin your fitness journey, but you do have to make a firm decision to change your habits and make them healthier. That’s always the first step in any journey. Healthy habits, like exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep, drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet are goals that can lead the way. You need to get your attitude in line, so you look forward to making the changes, not feel sorry for yourself.

Don’t feel deprived when you’re eating healthier.

At first, the change in your diet will be a shock, especially if you’re eating highly processed foods and foods laden with sugar. Sugar is in almost all processed items, too. Sugar is addictive and at first you’ll really crave it. It won’t take long before the healthy food you’re eating will actually taste different. Fruit will taste sweeter, for instance. That’s because when you eat sugar, it blocks the sense of the sweet taste and you have to eat more sugar every time to get it. Once you quit, your taste goes back to normal. Whether you give up sugar or simply increase your vegetable intake, like any journey, starting is what’s important.

Get moving.

If you aren’t ready for a formal exercise program or so out of shape you simply won’t last long? Don’t worry, you can change that. It takes time, however. There’s a true story about a young man that was so severely obese that he could barely get out of his chair. His doctor’s told him he would die if he didn’t lose weight. He started by exercising. It was just walking out of his house to the end of the walk and back. That’s as far as he could go. Every week he went a few steps further, until he got to the end of his block, then several blocks. Since those first steps, several years have passed. Not only did he lose weight and live healthier, he’s become a marathon runner, but it was that first step that made the difference.

Own your effort to get fit.

You can listen to others about what you need to do, but this challenge to get healthier is all yours. Only you should determine what you want to work on next. You can follow outlines based on science, but how you accomplish each step depends on you. Do you love riding a bike? Start by doing that. Do you want to increase your daily activity? Take the steps not the elevator or walk to lunch. Are vegetables not your favorite? Make spaghetti squash and put extra vegetables in the sauce.

  • If you don’t have a full hour to exercise or even a half hour, carve out three ten minute sessions throughout the day. It’s just as healthy to walk for ten minutes, exercise ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes at night.
  • If you’re adding something to your schedule, like exercise, try to do it at the same time each day until it becomes habit.
  • Too often people go on diets that require counting calories or counting carbs. Make it simpler by eating whole food, food closest to its natural state. Vegetables fill you up without adding extra calories, so you’ll lose weight without the hassle.
  • If you’ve had a rough day and consider skipping your workout, remember that exercise is a big stress buster. It burns off the hormones of stress and replaces them with ones that make you feel good.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 24/7

Home Workouts That Burn The Most Calories

Home Workouts That Burn The Most Calories

There are tons of articles written about the perfect workout, which ones are true? If you go LIV Fitness, our trainers will help you with routines that are geared to your fitness level and burn the most calories, but you’re on your own trying to sift through the information on the internet to find home workouts that burn the most calories, Here are some guidelines to help you identify the best workouts.

Intensity counts.

No matter what type of exercise you choose, it’s the amount of intensity that makes the difference. You’ll burn more calories in a half hour of power walking than you would with a half hour of leisurely strolling. One type of workout that proves this is HIIT—high intensity interval training. Since it’s almost impossible to go at peak intensity for very long, HIIT has you adjust your workout with a minute or two at top intensity and an equal amount of time at a recovery level, then back to peak intensity. Even seasoned athletes can’t go at top intensity for extended periods of exercise.

Full body workouts are exceptionally good at burning calories.

It only makes sense that working more muscles during an exercise would make you burn more calories and that’s exactly what a full body workout does. Full body workouts use compound exercises that do just that. Some examples of these exercises that you can do at home include ones that use dumbbells like squat to overhead press, wood chop or bent over dumbbell row and bodyweight exercises, such as the plank, skater hop and squats.

Some calorie sizzling workouts require equipment.

Luckily, most of the equipment necessary for these are simple and relatively inexpensive. Strength building exercises using dumbbells and barbells burn tons of calories while building muscle. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn 24/7, since it boosts your metabolism. Kettlebell workouts burn hundreds of calories. They work major muscle groups, including core muscles.

  • You can modify any type of workout and make it a HIIT workout. Whether you’re jumping rope, running, walking or doing a circuit of exercises, HIIT not only burns calories as you do it, but raises your metabolism for hours after you’re done.
  • Jumping rope is a simple exercise you can do at home that burns tons of calories, too. You can modify your intensity and vary your routine to make it HIIT.
  • If you have a bike, take it for a spin. You can burn over 600 calories an hour if you’re going at a fast pace on uneven terrain. You can also make it practical. Add a carrier and use it to go shopping or ride to work and save on gas.
  • In order to lose weight, your efforts need to start in the kitchen. No matter how many calories you burn working out, it won’t overcome an unhealthy, calorie laden diet.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness

Could Split Workouts Be Better For You?

Could Split Workouts Be Better For You?

If you come to LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, you’ll find people that use split workouts and others that swear by full-body workouts. Which one is best? There are pros and cons for both types of workouts and it all depends on which one is best for you. A split workout breaks your workout to various parts of the body on different days, normally it’s upper body and lower body days with abs on either day. Full-body workouts are just that, a workout that addresses the needs of all parts of your body.

If you want to focus in on building specific muscle groups, split workouts will help.

Bodybuilders often use split training because it allows for more intensity and focus on specific areas of the body. It works an area hard and provides extra days for recovery. Split workouts allow you to work muscle groups to fatigue, which stimulates growth and repair. So if your goal is to build big muscles, a split workout may be for you. It lets you rest those muscle groups for up to 48 hours, which is a guideline for resistance training.

If you have a busy schedule, split training may not be best for you.

Split training is great for those who have more time to devote to perfection, but that’s not always the case for most people. Most people exercise to attain fitness, but not necessarily perfection. People who are just starting workout programs get the most progress from a full body workout, especially if they’re trying to lose weight. They burn more calories, since more muscles and joints are worked at once. Beginners also find that full body workouts are more focused on technique and build overall strength and fitness.

There are several types of split workouts.

While the most common form of split workouts is the upper body/lower body combination, there are other ways to categorize and split up your workout. If you train the muscles that push on one day and the muscles that pull on others, you’re using a push/pull split workout. Working opposing muscle groups together are antagonistic split workouts. You work muscles that have opposing actions, like quads and hamstrings. When your quads contract, your hamstrings relax and visa versa. Biceps and triceps are another example of true antagonists that would be worked together with an antagonistic split.

  • If you know you can stick to a workout regimen, a split routine could work for you. Skipping a day at the gym can throw the whole schedule off. If you’re unsure, stick with a whole body workout rather than lose progress from skipping days.
  • Those who are serious about body building often have more severe split schedules, focusing on one major group of muscles a day and working out six days a week.
  • You can build stronger and larger muscles with a split workout, since you’re focusing on one group of muscles, so the workout can be more intense. It’s especially effective for weight lifters and body builders and helps avoid burnout before the end of the session.
  • No matter what type of workout you choose, find the one that helps you reach your goals and is good for your present level of fitness. People often start with a full body workout, and as they become fitter, may switch to a split workout.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness