Are You Working Out Hard Enough?

If you’re working out in Livermore, CA, and not seeing your desired results, maybe you need to change your routine or the intensity. You might not be working hard enough. If you’re only going through the motions and giving half your effort, you’ll get results that reflect that. While consistently doing any form of exercise helps keep you in shape, it may not help you reach a specific goal as quickly as you desire or reach it at all.

How do you judge intensity and how hard to push?

If you can sing while you’re working out, you need to push yourself harder. Even being able to chat means you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. The U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion identified a test to measure effort. You’re probably at maximum effort if you can only gasp a few words as you exercise. If you don’t need a break and can talk a little more, push harder.

Is your workout easier than it used to be?

You may have barely made it through your workout initially but can now zip through it without thinking or forming a bead of sweat. You didn’t up the ante as your body got fitter. Now, you’re only doing maintenance and not improving. That won’t push you toward a higher goal. As the workout becomes easier, adjust it and make it more difficult. Do more sets, reps, or different exercises. Frequently changing your workout helps prevent plateauing and constantly challenges your body.

Judge how you feel right after you workout.

You don’t want to do intense workouts every time you go to the gym but only once or twice a week. They will leave your muscles sore. If the muscles are so painful you can barely move, you’ve pushed too hard or too long. There’s a big difference between pain and soreness. Don’t ignore the pain. If they’re achy but tolerable, your workout was a success. Your workout wasn’t intense enough if you feel like going out dancing after working out.

  • Never ignore pain that’s so intense you can’t walk or sleep. If it lasts several days, see your healthcare professional to make sure you don’t have an injury.
  • How much is enough and how much is too much? It all depends on your fitness level, goal, and any special needs you have. Our personal trainers can help you find the right intensity and workout to help you reach your goals.
  • You can use technology to judge your efforts. A heart rate monitor can track it. If it’s less than 64, you need to push harder. A heart rate between 76 and 90 indicates an intense workout.
  • You’ll see physical changes faster when you challenge your body more. Don’t try to push hard every day. Your body needs time for recovery where the biggest changes occur, especially if you’re building strength.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

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