
Weight Training For Beginners

Weight Training For Beginners

If you’ve been exercising and want to include weight training in your regimen, it can be intimidating, especially for beginners. How heavy should the weights be? What’s the best way to start? Is there a difference in how you train to build muscles and how you train to build strength? How many repetitions of each […]

Is Snacking Healthy

Is Snacking Healthy

Many people grew up hearing that you shouldn’t snack. The words, “It will spoil your dinner,” usually followed. Does that mean that snacking isn’t healthy? As with most questions about nutrition, it requires more facts. What type of snack are you eating? A snack should be calculated into your calorie count if you’re trying to […]

Benefits Of Eating Organic

Benefits Of Eating Organic

At LIV Fitness in Livermore, CA, we encourage people to reap the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet is one facet, just as consistent exercise is. Even though whole foods form the basis of healthy eating, there are concerns about pesticides and other chemicals entering our bodies via fresh produce. There are […]

Are You Working Out Hard Enough?

Are You Working Out Hard Enough?

If you’re working out in Livermore, CA, and not seeing your desired results, maybe you need to change your routine or the intensity. You might not be working hard enough. If you’re only going through the motions and giving half your effort, you’ll get results that reflect that. While consistently doing any form of exercise […]

Can Certain Exercises Remove Cellulite?

Can Certain Exercises Remove Cellulite?

If you found this blog using a search engine, you probably saw dozens of articles with titles that make you believe you can permanently eliminate cellulite with special exercises. It’s simply not true. That doesn’t mean it’s hopeless to workout. Exercise may not eliminate cellulite, but it will make it less noticeable. Some people think […]

Do You Really Know What Foods To Eat?

Do You Really Know What Foods To Eat?

It’s not always easy to know the right foods to eat. If you walk through a grocery store, you’ll often see food wrappers with words like “gluten-free” in big letters on the package. Are they really healthy? Just read the label. If it sounds like the ingredients for an experiment in a high-level lab, it’s […]

How To Gain Muscle Mass

How To Gain Muscle Mass

If you’re working out, you’re probably hoping to lose fat and gain muscle mass in addition to your ultimate goal. You have to make lifestyle changes to do it. It takes both exercise and a healthy diet to increase your muscle mass. You also need adequate sleep and adequate hydration. Focusing on natural techniques is […]

Is Coconut Milk Good For You?

Is Coconut Milk Good For You?

You can find coconut milk in almost any grocery in Livermore, CA. It’s as popular as coconut water. Both come from coconuts, except coconut water is the unprocessed liquid in the middle of immature coconuts, and coconut milk is a processed product. Are both good for you? Does the processing make a difference? Coconut water […]

How Important Are Good Workout Shoes?

How Important Are Good Workout Shoes?

If you’re starting to run or jog, you might think those old sneakers in your closet are adequate. You might be wrong. Having good workout shoes can make a difference when you exercise. They’re the grounding force that stabilizes your entire body. If you don’t have good shoes for your daily run in Livermore, CA, […]