
Food Labels - Understand What You're Eating

Food Labels – Understand What You’re Eating

You’ll hear a lot of claims when you listen to commercials or look at the front of the food package, but the real truth comes from reading the part of food labels where the nutritional information is. Knowing serving size and calories per serving can make a huge difference if you’re trying to lose weight. Checking the food label can tell you how much sugar was added to the product. It informs you on the amount of sodium, fat, total carbohydrates, and cholesterol to guide you to make the healthiest choices.

The label also contains ingredients.

Eating whole foods is always best. It’s closer to its natural state without a lot of additives. If you check a food label and it reads like a science experiment, put the food back on the shelf. If you don’t know what the ingredient name means, it’s a signal that it may be a chemical additive. Peanut butter, for example, should contain only peanuts and maybe salt. You can find the information in two places, the ingredient list and the nutritional information where they identify added sugar.

The percentage of daily nutritional values based on a 2000-calorie diet is on the label in two spots.

The label shows the daily value of macronutrients and sodium at the top, and below it, there’s a chart for the other nutrients it contains. It’s a percentage of the nutrient you need or the amount not to exceed each day. For instance, the percentage for sodium is the amount not to exceed, while the percentage for vitamin A is the amount you need. When you check food labels, you can compare similar products and choose the healthiest.

You’ll learn the serving size and whether health food is really healthy.

Check out cookies or chips. They don’t appear to contain that many calories until you notice the serving size. The serving size may be so small it would only suit a toddler. Some foods you thought were healthy will show their true colors when you read the food label. They often are high in sugar and fat with few nutrients. It can open your eyes and help you find the best workout snack that puts more power into your efforts.

  • If you’re counting carbs or calories, the food label helps you by showing both per serving. Some labels will surprise you with the amount of added sugar they contain.
  • You’ll be newly impressed with some of the canned vegetables. Most have nothing or just salt added and contain almost as much nutrition as fresh alternatives but at a lower price.
  • Before the last mandated change to food labels, manufacturers used several types of sugar to make each type further down on the list and mask the amount of sugar the food contained.
  • Manufacturers are required to show the amount of vitamin D, iron, calcium, and potassium. If they choose, they can show the vitamin A and C content.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Is It Possible To Change My Attitude Toward Fitness?

Is It Possible To Change My Attitude Toward Fitness?

Your attitude can determine so much. If you have a negative attitude and think everyone is against you, you’ll interpret everything that way and find reasons to reinforce your belief. If you don’t think you can do something, you’ll give up before you master it. The same is true for fitness. Whether you hate exercise or just think you’ll never lose weight or get fit, that attitude can spell disaster. Luckily, you can change your attitude toward fitness and turn failure into success.

If you hate working out, make it a game.

Tracking your workout can turn it into a game. It’s more fun when you have a challenge and can see progress daily. Track the number of sets, reps, or amount of weight you lift. You can also include other factors like how hard it was to do the last few reps or how fast you finished a mile if you’re running. The results of your hard efforts don’t show on your body immediately. They also occur slowly, so you don’t notice the change. Tracking your workout gives you the challenge of achieving fitness goals where you see immediate results.

You’ll like to get fit more if you enjoy the activity.

Do you hate going to the gym or doing calisthenics? Go dancing or swimming if you prefer. It’s all about getting active. A full-body workout with all types of fitness is still necessary, so spending a couple of days in the gym and the rest doing fun activities can improve your attitude. Set aside a day or two to ride bikes, run, play basketball with the kids, or go hiking. You’ll still be exercising but enjoying every minute of it.

Join a group or take a class with a friend.

Group sessions are popular for a reason. They’re often more fun. There’s a lot of comradery when you workout with a group. If you join with a spouse or friend, it can be more fun, especially if you make a night of it and have a healthy meal after the class. If there’s healthy competition, you might want to workout to improve your fitness for your class and perform better.

  • Tracking your progress can also help you realize you aren’t beyond hope. It can show you how much progress you made in a few weeks or months. You should never compare yourself to others, only to your history of fitness.
  • Focus on the reason you want to get fitter. Are you doing it for your health? If so, think about your loved ones or what you’ll miss if you can’t keep up with others. If you want to look better, choose a new outfit to buy when you lose weight or get fitter.
  • Start your program expecting it to be difficult but knowing you can do it. Expect it to take a while to feel and see results. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much sooner they occur.
  • Appreciate the control you’re gaining over your body. Find something you love about each workout session. Attitude is everything. What you focus on develops that attitude. Focus only on the good.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Pilates Can Give You A Stronger Core

Pilates Can Give You A Stronger Core

If you want a flat stomach and that lean, svelte appearance, Pilates can help. It’s a good way to build core strength that supplements traditional workout techniques used in the gym. It involves low impact exercises that balance muscles and improve the neuromuscular pattern. You’ll gain flexibility, strength, and functional fitness. You’ll also reduce pain. As Pilates builds core strength, it also builds grace and agility.

Pilates is best known for improving core strength and posture.

Unlike some types of exercise that are strictly for building bulk, Pilates builds lean muscle strength. It works on core muscles—the muscles in the front and back of your trunk that support the body and stabilize it. Core strength can relieve back pain and put more power into explosive movements. Core strength also improves posture. That helps relieve back, shoulder, and head pain and makes you look more confident.

Improved core strength helps prevent injury.

Strengthening your core muscles while preventing them from becoming too tight is the goal of Pilates. It helps protect the body from injury. Both too tight of muscles or too weak and loose create the perfect conditions for injury. Pilates gives you an improved range of motion but also supplies stabilization of the joints and overall support. If you play sports, studies show it can help prevent injury.

Pilates enhances the body-mind connection.

The practice puts your focus on what’s happening in your body and builds awareness of pain, discomfort, pleasure, and even your emotions. That heightened awareness makes you more aware of potential dangers from a fall. Improved mindfulness can also help in other areas of your life, including weight loss and satiation points when eating. You’ll also increase your energy. It’s low impact, so it tends to leave you feeling exhilarated and not exhausted when you’re finished.

  • It improves circulation and boosts immunity. The immunity boost occurs because it boosts circulation and improves immune functioning. Studies showed that Pilates is particularly beneficial for immune functioning the older you are.
  • It can help boost your strength and build stronger bones, like many types of exercise. It also improves cognitive functioning. That’s because of increased blood flow to the brain, the creation of neurotransmitters, and a longer lifespan of neurons.
  • Improved flexibility, strength, and endurance can improve your sex life. It allows for longer sessions and new positions. It strengthens the pelvic floor to improve women’s sexual pleasure.
  • You’ll improve your sleep and reduce inflammation when you practice Pilates. Like all exercise, Pilates helps you sleep better. It also increases lymphatic and synovial fluid movement to reduce inflammation, toxic build-up, and pain.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How To Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Workout

How To Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Workout

Mindfulness is a practice often used in Livermore, CA, and throughout the world. It is often associated with yoga and Eastern religions but has become part of the fitness community in recent years. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and the body-mind connection. If that sounds like doublespeak, explaining it as an example is better. When you’re working out, you focus on each move and how every muscle feels, using all your senses. Your mind is on the present movements. You’re not thinking of the problems you face at work or what to make for supper.

There are benefits to incorporating mindfulness into your workout.

Mindfulness can enhance your performance by improving focus and concentration. It can help motivate you and keep your mind centered. You’ll start your workout more relaxed. That can reduce muscle tension. That relaxes muscles, allowing you to work muscles in a wider range of motion. Using mindful breathing techniques helps lower stress levels and the cortisol the body creates. It can improve performance and boost recovery. The more relaxed you are, the faster you heal and the quicker you recover.

Start with focused breathing.

Breathing exercises used for mindfulness can prepare your body for a workout. It also can lower your blood pressure and relax you during stressful times. Before you begin your workout breathe in deeply through your nose, hold the breath, then breathe it out through your mouth. Be aware of how your body feels throughout the process. You’ll often feel tension in certain areas. Once your body is relaxed, set a clear intention of staying focused on your body as you exercise or being present in the moment.

Really feel your workout instead of going through the motions.

If you’re like most people who exercise, at one time or another you’ve looked at the clock or calculated how many more sets you still have to do. Turn your focus inward. Feel your muscles working and everything happening in your body. Appreciate how your muscles are responding and the control you maintain over their movement.

  • Learn breath control first. Deep breathing is a significant part of mindfulness. Learn to take deep breaths, keeping it natural and relaxed even during strength-building exercises.
  • After your workout, take time to appreciate what you’ve accomplished. Feel your muscles and your other body functions like your heart sending oxygen-rich blood to your body. Reflect on what you did well and what you would change.
  • Mindfulness gets you in touch with your body. It helps you read the messages the body sends, such as telling you to push harder or to rest. It can enhance recovery by reducing tension in the muscles.
  • Mindfulness can help you appreciate your workout more. It also can transfer to mindful eating. Mindful eating can help you lose weight. Being present in the moment can improve all facets of your life.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Kickboxing - Your Full Body Workout

Kickboxing – Your Full Body Workout

If you’re like most people who exercise regularly, your activity doesn’t end when you leave the gym. Most people live an active lifestyle, whether it’s dancing on the weekend or playing sports like softball or basketball. One interesting active interest is kickboxing. While you get plenty of cardio when you play basketball, with kickboxing you get a full-body workout. Unlike softball, where you’re not moving constantly, kickboxing keeps you constantly active. It resembles a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout.

Kickboxing includes all fitness areas in one session.

Kickboxing builds strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility. While it doesn’t give you the big muscles of some types of strength training, it does build strength and sinewy lean muscle mass. You’ll also get a cardio workout that rivals running. Since you’re not always moving at the same pace, it becomes a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout. HIIT workouts get faster endurance results than steady-state ones. The kicks, bobbing, and punches boost flexibility and balance.

Your entire body is used during kickboxing.

Kickboxing creates a lean but muscular body. It torches fat. Studies show that kickboxers have a lower percentage of body fat than the rest of the population. It helps flatten the abdomen by building core muscles and creates attractive legs. Kickboxers build leg muscles so they don’t have a chicken leg appearance. It cuts fat to eliminate flabby thighs and cellulite.

Kickboxing is good for stress relief.

Some people love kickboxing because it’s a way to take out aggression in a socially acceptable manner. Studies show it can help improve your mood due to the extensive physical activity. You’ll be able to handle daily stress even better. The competitive nature of kickboxing and the perseverance it takes to achieve build mental toughness, improved confidence, and self-belief. It helps build motivation to accomplish more beyond the sessions. It also can motivate you to exercise more in the gym.

  • Kickboxing is also good for the brain. It improved coordination, brain functioning, and memory. You’ll learn to focus more and improve your cognitive functioning.
  • You’ll build your energy level. Kickboxing increases blood flow, triggering hormones that make you more alert. It builds energy the longer you do it.
  • Kickboxing compliments traditional exercising by promoting functional fitness. Everyday movements aren’t like those of calisthenics. They’re more chaotic like kickboxing moves. You’ll be able to do everyday tasks better when you practice kickboxing.
  • People who have kickboxed for a while become more aware of their bodies and the needs of their bodies. They tend to focus more on good health and a healthier lifestyle, such as a better diet and more sleep.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Reasons To Workout In The Morning

Reasons To Workout In The Morning

What’s your best workout time? For some people, it’s at lunch. Others like exercising after work. Many people find morning suits them best and have good reasons for that choice. There is no one right time to workout. Everyone is different, so what’s best for one is not the best for another. Your schedule, circadian rhythm, and obligations

Is your day a hectic mess?

If you never know when your day will end or what you’ll be doing next, it’s almost impossible to schedule a workout. Starting your day by working out solves that. Get up in the morning before the family and exercise. You’ll boost your energy and be ready to help the family start their day and the chaos you face until bedtime. You’ll face fewer interruptions and be more consistent in the morning.

You may burn fat more efficiently in the morning.

Several studies have shown you burn fat better in the morning. Why is that possible? When you sleep at night, you’re fasting. It’s why the first meal of the day is called BREAK-FAST. A Japanese study found that people who worked out before they had their first meal of the day burned more fat. A Belgium study showed that when people ate too many calories before working out gained weight, but those who exercised first didn’t. Exercising first provides the benefits of fasting without the deprivation.

You’ll jumpstart your day with a boost of energy when you workout first.

Exercise increases your circulation and that brings more nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, including the brain. It gets your digestive system moving and starts your day with a load of endorphins to put you in a better mood. While you may not face any issues with stress in the morning, exercise burns off any stress hormones that can lead to health issues.

  • The best time to workout is when you’ll do it. If you are a night owl who barely gets up for work, mornings may not be best for you. Exercise when you can do it consistently.
  • Studies show that people who exercise at 7 a.m. or earlier sleep better. You can get even deeper sleep and more benefits if you exercise outside.
  • During the summer, exercising in the morning can be refreshing. You’re working out during the coolest part of the day. It’s not as easy during the winter when it’s still dark outside, but keeping your workout inside helps.
  • Many studies show that people who workout in the morning tend to stick with an exercise program and be more consistent. Not only is the family asleep, but there are also few distractions, even from TV. It’s a quiet time when you can gather your thoughts and focus on your workout.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

What You Should Teach Your Kids About Nutrition

What You Should Teach Your Kids About Nutrition

One of the biggest problems overweight people face is a lack of nutrition knowledge. It often starts early in life and starts bad habits that are difficult to break. At LIV Fitness in Livermore, CA, we help break those bad habits with nutritional education so you can teach your kids healthy habits as you develop them yourselves. Here are a few ways to boost your child’s knowledge that will be valuable throughout life.

Create a rainbow plate.

One of the easiest ways to help your kids develop good nutrition has been taught for years. It’s “Eat the rainbow.” Choosing a colorful plate of fruits and vegetables can increase the meal’s nutrition. Each color of fruit has different nutrients the body needs. As soon as children know colors, they can choose their food unaided and create a healthier meal. It’s also more fun. Let kids make a rainbow of food and then munch on the rainbow they created. Eat the rainbow food tasting activities can encourage this type of healthy eating.

Teach a simple explanation of the basics.

Teach simple lessons about carbohydrates, protein, and fat, identifying what goes into each macronutrient group. Instill the knowledge that eating foods from each group can help your body feel good. Protein provides the building blocks for cells. Carbohydrates provide energy. Fats are necessary for growth and the brain. Let them know that some options in each group are healthier than others.

Give a simple explanation for the benefits of each food.

When children are younger, there’s no way they want to hear the list of nutrients in broccoli or could even understand it. They can understand the caped crusader Captain Broccoli protects the body by joining the fight against germs. There are other superhero friends, like Citrus Woman who stops colds in their tracks. Protein power-builders like yogurt, poultry, or beans help children grow bigger and stronger. Professor Healthy Fat protects the brain to make children smarter since the brain is 70% fat. Keeping it simple makes good nutrition a game.

  • Let children help you create the meals. Getting kids to help you make healthy meals increases the potential they’ll eat the meal.
  • Don’t forget to include water as part of healthy eating. Keep bottled water or flavored water ready when the children need something to drink. Don’t stock your refrigerator with soft drinks. It’s easier to prevent starting a habit than breaking a habit.
  • Have healthy snacks ready for kids. They can also make their own. Ants on a log is a favorite snack that is fun for kids to make. It takes a celery rib filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins like ants.
  • Find healthy but fun ways to serve more fruits and vegetables. Making banana ice cream or fruit sorbet is both fun and healthy. Just freeze the fruit in pieces then blend it to a creamy consistency.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

See What Happens If You Don't Give Up

See What Happens If You Don’t Give Up

Anyone who ever has had a goal they held near and dear, knows that sometimes there are roadblocks in the way. If your goal is losing weight, building muscle, or getting fit, you might find yourself hitting a wall, too. When that happens, it’s easy to get frustrated and think about quitting, but don’t give up. It only takes one more week, one more day, or one more workout to see results. You’ll love what happens when you don’t quit.

It’s easy to get discouraged.

There are many reasons people get discouraged when working out. Plateauing is one of those reasons. If you’ve been faithful to your exercise program and healthy diet, but aren’t seeing the results you want, quitting isn’t the answer. Instead of giving up, make some changes to your workout. Plateauing can occur when you do the same routine repeatedly. Your body becomes efficient at the movements and burns fewer calories. That slows down progress or causes you to plateau.

One mistake doesn’t mean you should quit.

Whether you skipped a few gym sessions or ate a whole cake, it doesn’t mean you should quit. It means you had a setback. Start fresh the next day. Backsliding once doesn’t define you. When you were a toddler, you fell multiple times but got right back up and walked. It took many tries before you could walk for a while without falling. When you finally did, you kept on going. You walked and then ran with ease. Toddlers don’t give up and neither should you.

Don’t expect weight loss to be a straight line.

Weight loss doesn’t occur in a straight line. Some weeks you’ll lose more than your goal and other weeks less. It’s a bumpy line downward with some disappointments along the way. If you’re ready to quit because you gained a pound, even though you did everything right, don’t. Next week you’ll probably lose more than your desired goal. It’s all about progress over the long haul.

  • Using pounds as the only measurement of success can be deceiving. Sometimes, you’re gaining muscle. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat does, so your measurements will be smaller.
  • You’ll be amazed at all the other benefits you get from a fitness program besides endurance and weight loss. You’ll feel amazing, too. A workout can eliminate stress and boost your mood.
  • You’ll notice you look and feel years younger when you don’t quit. Exercise brings relief to back aches and joint pain. Your posture will improve to help relieve headaches.
  • Your mood will improve when you don’t give up. Exercise increases endorphins that make you feel good. You’ll sleep better at night, which also is a mood booster. Sticking with the program can change your whole life.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Science Behind Building Muscle Mass

Science Behind Building Muscle Mass

LIV Fitness in Livermore, CA, helps people build muscle mass by using science-backed methods. You’ll get stronger if you lift heavy things, but there’s more to building muscle than that. If you want to build muscle mass, it takes a different approach than it does to build strength. Knowing that difference is key. How much weight you lift, the number of repetitions, and your form is also important are also important. If you lift wrong, you can strain muscles and live in pain for months. Lifting without using scientific techniques can bring progress, but it will be slower than what you get from the best methods.

Decide whether you want to build mass or strength.

You can do both, but it waters down the results of each selection. Bodybuilders may look more powerful, but they aren’t as strong as people who train for powerlifting. Training too frequently or for too long is another potential pitfall. There are differences in the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do for strength and hypertrophy—building bigger muscles. The rule of thumb is that you increase by three to five repetitions at heavy loads for building strength and six to thirty repetitions at somewhat lighter loads for building more muscle mass.

You increase the load for building strength and reps for building muscle size.

You can increase load or increase repetitions to build muscle mass and strength. The difference occurs in which is best for each one. To build more strength, adding more weight is best. For muscle mass growth, you increase the number of repetitions adding less weight to the load. Instead of adding 15 pounds to the lift and no repetitions, you add 15 repetitions and two to five pounds, just enough to keep it more challenging but not exhausting.

What you eat can determine your success.

You won’t get the results you want if you don’t have adequate building blocks. Diet makes a difference. Having a healthy carb-protein snack a half hour before a workout and one immediately following it can also help. Before a workout, it gives you the energy to do your best and afterward, it jump-starts recovery.

  • The recovery period for building muscle mass is shorter than for building strength. A personal trainer can guide you through the right types of exercise, weight loading, and number of reps for each.
  • Power trainers use fewer types of exercises to build strength. Increasing the variety of exercises helps build muscle mass and increases overall muscle development. Push and pull-style exercises are both necessary.
  • Using compound exercises can help build muscle mass faster. Squats and lunges are examples. They work the hips and knees. Leg extensions aren’t an example because they only work the knee joints.
  • Taking moderate rest periods between intervals of about a minute to a minute and a half is optimal for building muscle mass. If the rest is less than 30 seconds, it doesn’t allow enough time to regain strength. Longer than three minutes reduces the stress necessary for muscle growth.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Tips To Improve Your Running Form

Tips To Improve Your Running Form

Is there a way to improve your running form? After all, you’ve been running since you were very young and your form has served you well until now. Yes, it is not only possible but also important if you’re going to run often or in competition. It helps reduce the potential for injury, improves efficiency, and increases speed. If you want to boost health benefits, you need to improve your gait. That lets you run further and at higher intensities. You may not have learned to run properly first started to run, or you’ve picked up a lot of bad habits along the way.

Check the position of your hands and how much tension there is.

Tension travels throughout your body and affects other parts. Keep your hands relaxed and avoid clenching your fist when you run. Your hands should also be at waist level and brush the hips lightly as you run. Avoid punching when you run. It often happens as people get tired. Instead of keeping their arms to their sides, they cross them over the front of the body, as though they’re punching. Swing them freely and higher than you might if you were jogging.

Breathe deeply and use the proper breathing technique to help you run.

Focusing on breath control is crucial if you want to run successfully. Running slowly or jogging lets you focus on inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. The more you pick up speed, the more difficult that is to do unless you focus on doing it correctly. Belly breathing helps improve your breathing technique and enables deep nasal breaths. It uses the diaphragm.

Your posture plays a role in your success.

Keep your head up and eyes looking forward. Your posture should be erect with your back straight and your shoulders level. You can lean forward slightly when running. Don’t lean too far forward or backward from the waist. Try to touch your head to the clouds as you run. It’s vital to do a check near the end of the run when you’re almost out of steam. That’s when people tend to slump, which leads to pain. Pull your shoulders back if you feel that happening. Keeping your shoulders back and not rounded helps you breathe deeper. Don’t shrug your shoulders either.

  • Start slowly running shorter distances but focusing primarily on form and breathing. After a few weeks, increase your distance slightly. You can always increase it more later when your running form is correct.
  • Don’t lift your feet too far off the ground. It makes you bounce and burn more energy. Take lighter steps and focus on a quicker stride turnover. Use shorter, faster strides to save energy.
  • Land on the front of your foot to push yourself forward. Lift your thighs until they’re parallel to the ground. Don’t rotate your torso or bring your hands across your chest.
  • Vary your speed when you run to burn more calories and get fit faster. Alternate between top intensity and recovery. It turns the run into a HIIT—high intensity interval training workout.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness