Can Certain Exercises Remove Cellulite?

If you found this blog using a search engine, you probably saw dozens of articles with titles that make you believe you can permanently eliminate cellulite with special exercises. It’s simply not true. That doesn’t mean it’s hopeless to workout. Exercise may not eliminate cellulite, but it will make it less noticeable. Some people think that exercises can remove fatty tissues in specific areas, but like all weight loss, it comes off evenly throughout the body. The exercises tone the underlying muscles and give a sleeker appearance,

Doctors can identify some of the risk factors for cellulite.

You can help prevent or eradicate cellulite by eliminating some of the risk factors. Fat tissues that poke through connective tissues create a lumpy orange-peel appearance on the thin layer of skin that covers the area. Women tend to have more cellulite because of a difference in fat muscle and connective tissue distribution. There are a variety of reasons for cellulite, such as excess fat. That doesn’t mean you won’t get it if you’re thin. Even thin people have it.

Hormones play a role in cellulite development.

Many theories suggest that several hormones play a role in creating cellulite. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, prolactin, and certain thyroid hormones play a role. Menopause can increase cellulite by slowing the connective tissue—collagen—-production. Impeded circulation causes less oxygen to the area, which also reduces collagen production. As hormone levels during menopause drop, the reduction of estrogen creates larger fat cells and thinner skin to make cellulite more noticeable.

Focus on eating healthy food and cutting back on sugar.

Focusing on healthy eating can help lose weight or prevent weight gain. Highly processed food can cause toxin accumulation that leads to cellulite. When you eat food with added sugar, it reduces the amount of collagen or weakens it. Dehydration also makes cellulite more noticeable. Smoking affects circulation and alcohol causes dehydration to increase the appearance of cellulite. Both aerobic and strength-building exercises can help make cellulite less noticeable. It improves circulation, increases collagen, and makes it stronger.

  • Female sex hormones increase fat storage on the thighs, buttocks, and hips. That makes those areas more prone to cellulite. The more stored fat there is, the more potential there is for cellulite.
  • Using a natural brush or loofah plant for dry brushing helps boost new cell growth as it removes dead skin cells. It can help improve circulation and aid in reducing the appearance of cellulite. You can also use coffee grounds mixed with coconut oil as an exfoliant.
  • Alternating between hot and cold showers boosts circulation. Steam baths, total body massage, and full-body cryotherapy can also make cellulite less noticeable by increasing circulation which builds collagen strength.
  • There are medical procedures that break up the collagen bands to make the surface more even. Cellfina, for example, shows results in about a month that last about three years. It costs between $3000 and $5000.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

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