Is Coconut Milk Good For You?

You can find coconut milk in almost any grocery in Livermore, CA. It’s as popular as coconut water. Both come from coconuts, except coconut water is the unprocessed liquid in the middle of immature coconuts, and coconut milk is a processed product. Are both good for you? Does the processing make a difference? Coconut water is the liquid in the center of immature coconut that eventually hardens into the meat of the coconut. Coconut milk is made from the shredded meat of a mature coconut. It’s boiled or blended and strained. The amount of water added and the time spent cooking determines the consistency.

There are differences in the nutritional profiles.

Coconut water is primarily water. One cup contains just 46 calories and 9 carbs. One cup of coconut milk has 13 grams of carbs and 552 calories. The big difference is the amount of fat it contains. While coconut water has a half gram of fat, coconut milk has 57 grams. Coconut milk also has almost three times the protein, six times the manganese, and five times the folate. Coconut water has 11 times more sodium than coconut milk. Both are a good source of vitamins.

Canned coconut milk is different than the one that comes in a carton.

The coconut milk for cooking usually comes in cans. It’s a creamier version. You can store it for years and it doesn’t require refrigeration. It’s thicker than coconut milk in a carton. The coconut milk that acts as a milk substitute comes in a carton. It’s lower in calories. It may be as much as much as fourteen times lower. It’s processed differently and has additives. They may include guar gum, xanthan gum, tricalcium, sorbitol, or dipotassium phosphate. It has less fat, is watery, needs refrigeration, and has a shorter shelf life. While both provide nutrients, the canned version is higher in saturated fat, while the carton version contains additives that may affect your health.

Coconut milk has many benefits.

The brain relies on fat for energy to function properly. The MCT in coconut milk is a readily available source of brain energy. One study showed that drinking coconut milk can also help you lose weight. Again, it’s the MCTs in coconut milk that provide the aid. They also help control blood insulin levels and prevent sugar spikes. The MCTs in coconut milk can slow aging and provide anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain.

  • Carton coconut milk may also contain healthy additives. Some have added vitamins D, A, E, and B12. Canned coconut milk doesn’t contain those additives, but it does contain natural vitamin C and folate.
  • If you have IBS—irritable bowel syndrome—read the ingredient label carefully. Some contain carrageenan to prevent the separation of the milk. It can cause inflammation.
  • Coconut milk without any additives can help reduce inflammation. It’s a good alternative for anyone who has issues with dairy. Homemade is best for controlling ingredients.
  • Coconut milk is heart healthy. About half the fat in coconut milk is lauric acid. Lauric acid is a healthy omega-3 fatty acid that supports heart health. The vitamins and minerals in it help lower blood pressure.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

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