Could Split Workouts Be Better For You?

If you come to LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, you’ll find people that use split workouts and others that swear by full-body workouts. Which one is best? There are pros and cons for both types of workouts and it all depends on which one is best for you. A split workout breaks your workout to various parts of the body on different days, normally it’s upper body and lower body days with abs on either day. Full-body workouts are just that, a workout that addresses the needs of all parts of your body.

If you want to focus in on building specific muscle groups, split workouts will help.

Bodybuilders often use split training because it allows for more intensity and focus on specific areas of the body. It works an area hard and provides extra days for recovery. Split workouts allow you to work muscle groups to fatigue, which stimulates growth and repair. So if your goal is to build big muscles, a split workout may be for you. It lets you rest those muscle groups for up to 48 hours, which is a guideline for resistance training.

If you have a busy schedule, split training may not be best for you.

Split training is great for those who have more time to devote to perfection, but that’s not always the case for most people. Most people exercise to attain fitness, but not necessarily perfection. People who are just starting workout programs get the most progress from a full body workout, especially if they’re trying to lose weight. They burn more calories, since more muscles and joints are worked at once. Beginners also find that full body workouts are more focused on technique and build overall strength and fitness.

There are several types of split workouts.

While the most common form of split workouts is the upper body/lower body combination, there are other ways to categorize and split up your workout. If you train the muscles that push on one day and the muscles that pull on others, you’re using a push/pull split workout. Working opposing muscle groups together are antagonistic split workouts. You work muscles that have opposing actions, like quads and hamstrings. When your quads contract, your hamstrings relax and visa versa. Biceps and triceps are another example of true antagonists that would be worked together with an antagonistic split.

  • If you know you can stick to a workout regimen, a split routine could work for you. Skipping a day at the gym can throw the whole schedule off. If you’re unsure, stick with a whole body workout rather than lose progress from skipping days.
  • Those who are serious about body building often have more severe split schedules, focusing on one major group of muscles a day and working out six days a week.
  • You can build stronger and larger muscles with a split workout, since you’re focusing on one group of muscles, so the workout can be more intense. It’s especially effective for weight lifters and body builders and helps avoid burnout before the end of the session.
  • No matter what type of workout you choose, find the one that helps you reach your goals and is good for your present level of fitness. People often start with a full body workout, and as they become fitter, may switch to a split workout.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness

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