How To Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Workout

Mindfulness is a practice often used in Livermore, CA, and throughout the world. It is often associated with yoga and Eastern religions but has become part of the fitness community in recent years. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and the body-mind connection. If that sounds like doublespeak, explaining it as an example is better. When you’re working out, you focus on each move and how every muscle feels, using all your senses. Your mind is on the present movements. You’re not thinking of the problems you face at work or what to make for supper.

There are benefits to incorporating mindfulness into your workout.

Mindfulness can enhance your performance by improving focus and concentration. It can help motivate you and keep your mind centered. You’ll start your workout more relaxed. That can reduce muscle tension. That relaxes muscles, allowing you to work muscles in a wider range of motion. Using mindful breathing techniques helps lower stress levels and the cortisol the body creates. It can improve performance and boost recovery. The more relaxed you are, the faster you heal and the quicker you recover.

Start with focused breathing.

Breathing exercises used for mindfulness can prepare your body for a workout. It also can lower your blood pressure and relax you during stressful times. Before you begin your workout breathe in deeply through your nose, hold the breath, then breathe it out through your mouth. Be aware of how your body feels throughout the process. You’ll often feel tension in certain areas. Once your body is relaxed, set a clear intention of staying focused on your body as you exercise or being present in the moment.

Really feel your workout instead of going through the motions.

If you’re like most people who exercise, at one time or another you’ve looked at the clock or calculated how many more sets you still have to do. Turn your focus inward. Feel your muscles working and everything happening in your body. Appreciate how your muscles are responding and the control you maintain over their movement.

  • Learn breath control first. Deep breathing is a significant part of mindfulness. Learn to take deep breaths, keeping it natural and relaxed even during strength-building exercises.
  • After your workout, take time to appreciate what you’ve accomplished. Feel your muscles and your other body functions like your heart sending oxygen-rich blood to your body. Reflect on what you did well and what you would change.
  • Mindfulness gets you in touch with your body. It helps you read the messages the body sends, such as telling you to push harder or to rest. It can enhance recovery by reducing tension in the muscles.
  • Mindfulness can help you appreciate your workout more. It also can transfer to mindful eating. Mindful eating can help you lose weight. Being present in the moment can improve all facets of your life.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

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