Vitamin D Deficiency Could Be Causing Inflammation

At LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, we help clients become their healthiest. That includes diet and exercise. The benefits of vitamin D and the problems caused by vitamin D deficiency became very obvious during the pandemic, with studies now showing that a lack of vitamin D might make a person more susceptible to more serious problems from the virus. Besides boosting the immune system, vitamin D also plays a role in reducing inflammation.

Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin, but closer to a hormone.

The body can manufacture vitamin D and it acts like a hormone, making it more of a steroid hormone than a vitamin. People who lived in warmer climates seldom had a vitamin D deficiency in early times, but the realization that too much sun could cause skin cancer, constant use of sunscreen and a lifestyle that doesn’t expose people to the sun on a daily basis actually changed that. Modern lifestyle also changed things for those living in the north, who used to eat eggs from free-range chickens, fatty fish and even fish livers. All those things made up for the fact they didn’t get adequate sun for many months out of the year.

One of the functions of vitamin D is that of a hormone precursor.

Vitamin D actually inhibits the production of cytokines, which are inflammatory. It changes the immune response. Because of the introduction of vitamin D, the immune response changes, causing a modification of T-cells from those causing inflammation to ones that protect. Scientists believe that can lower inflammation and help reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases or reduce their severity.

What are some of the signs of vitamin D deficiency?

D fights inflammation, aids in weight loss, increases serotonin, builds bones and teeth, influences fat distribution and boosts the immune system. There are several signs that you might need more time in the sun, more foods high in vitamin D or a supplement. It can cause muscle aches and pain, leave you feeling weak, show itself in poor dental health or bone health. Always consult your physician if you think you have a deficiency. A blood test will identify it or rule it out as the cause of your problem.

  • You can boost your body’s supply of vitamin D by spending ten minutes daily in the sun. It’s best if it’s between 11 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. You can also increase food containing vitamin D, such as eggs, fatty fish and fortified food products.
  • The older you are, the more vitamin D you need. People under 70 need 600 IU a day, while those over 70 need 800 IU daily. Obese people need more vitamin D than those of average weight, although there is a theory that D deficiency may cause obesity.
  • If you’re fair skinned and choose to do safe sunning to increase your vitamin D intake, start with a minute or two and build from there. The darker your skin, the more sun you’ll require.
  • Chronic inflammation can be a contributing factor to a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, autoimmune disease and type 2 diabetes.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

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