
Can Hormones Make You Gain Weight?

Can Hormones Make You Gain Weight?

No matter where you live, Dublin, CA, Livermore or any other place on the earth, sometimes hormones get out of balance and that may cause you to gain weight. Of course, not all weight gain comes from hormonal imbalance. If you’re eating potato chips dipped in a big bowl of ice cream for snacks, that could be the cause of your problem. If, however, you’re sticking with a healthy diet and still packing on the pounds it may be hormones.

There are a lot of different types of hormones and many can play a role in weight gain.

Every cell in your body requires hormones to function. Hormones include more than just sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Hormones deliver messages to all the cells in your body. They affect your mood, growth rate and even your immune system. They also affect where you store fat, weight loss and hunger. For instance, if you get too little sleep, your body makes more ghrelin, the hunger hormone and less leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full. Insulin is another hormone that affects your weight and insulin resistance can lead to weight gain in the abdomen and type 2 diabetes.

Are you under stress?

When you’re under stress, your body sends out hormones, such as cortisol, which prepare your body to fight or run. If you don’t those changes remain in place and cause serious conditions and even weight gain, particularly around the middle, belly fat. How do you counter that problem? It’s easier than you think. Start by mimicking the actions of fight or flight. Run, exercise and get active at high intensity. It burns off the hormones of stress, can help you lose belly fat and leaves you feeling fabulous. Cut out sugary products and highly processed food. Before you know it, you’ll be dropping pounds quickly.

It’s all about balance.

Hormones balance each other out. For every hormone that does one particular job in your body, such as increase your heart rate, there’s a hormone that does the opposite, such as slow your heart rate. The body is all about balance and systems that counter each other. If you have high levels of insulin that reduce sugar levels in your body, your levels of glucagon will be lower. When the insulin reduces the sugar in the blood, glucagon increases glucose to maintain a balance. High insulin levels increase fat fast

  • Sex hormones determine where fat is stored, so an imbalance with higher levels of hormones like estrogen, will put weight on hips, thighs and abdomen. Dominance of any of the sex hormones can cause weight gain.
  • Inflammation in the body can create hormone imbalance. Foods high in sugar and processed foods are inflammatory. They can lead to insulin resistance, oxidative stress and weight gain. Opt for whole foods, healthy fat and foods higher in protein to help eliminate the problem.
  • Find ways to control stress. Strenuous exercise is one way, but you can also combine them with meditation, breathing techniques and other stress relievers like taking a walk or going outside in the sun.
  • Get plenty of sleep. You need about 7-9 hours a night. Turn off any electronic devices and sleep in a cooler, dark room. Cut out caffeine. It will help keep your hunger hormones and stress hormones in check.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Have Daily?

How Many Grams Of Carbs Should I Have Daily?

There are several low carb diets that are making their way to popularity. After all, who can resist a diet that encourages you to eat bacon. However, some people take it to extremes and try to cut out carbs altogether. Just how many grams of carbs, do you actually need daily and what happens when you get too little? First, let’s start by discussing how the amount of carbs is determined and what makes a low carb diet. The amount you require is based on the percentage of calories from carbs. For traditional diets, that amount is 45 to 65%. Low carb diets can be as low as 10% of your calories from carbs.

What is a carb?

Carb is a shortened version of the word carbohydrate. It’s a macronutrient like protein or fat. There are two types of carbs. The first is the simple carbohydrate, such as sugar, which digests quickly and sends blood sugar skyrocketing. The second group is complex carbs. These tend to be healthy options, like fruits and vegetables. Most carbs come from plant sources, but there are some animal sources, such as dairy. It’s the lactose, which is a sugar found in milk.

You can calculate the amount of carbs you’re eating by using math.

If you want a traditional diet, calculate your caloric intake and then cut it in half for a diet that’s 50% carbohydrates or multiply it by 0.65 for a diet that’s 65% carbohydrates. Then divide that number by four. Why do you use four? That’s the number of calories in one gram of carbohydrate. So if you’re using a diet that has 50% carbs and you’re eating 2000 calories a day, 1000 calories should come from carbs, which is 250 grams of carbs. On a very low carb KETO diet, only 10% of your calories would come from carbs, so that’s 200 calories and 50 grams of carbs.

If you’re going low carb, eat healthy carbs.

As David Carradine used to say in the Kung Fu TV series, “Choose wisely, Grasshopper,” especially, when it comes to eating carbs on a low carb diet. Carbs aren’t really the enemy of weight loss and you definitely need them in your diet because they’re loaded with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber. Choosing ones that are complex, like fruits and vegetables and avoiding simple carbs like sugar, which are empty calories, is the key.

  • Each person will have a different carbohydrate gram intake, which is based on their overall calorie intake.
  • If you aren’t sure how many grams of carbohydrates a food contains, it’s easiest to use a list that shows how many grams. For processed foods, always read the label to find how many grams per serving.
  • Not only is sugar a carb you should avoid, so is white bread and food made with bleached flour. Choose whole grain option, not only for the nutrients, but also the fiber that slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.
  • If you have a high activity level, you need to increase your carbs to do your best. Otherwise, you’ll be depleting your energy and not functioning your best. Snack on a protein/carb combination before and after a workout.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Why You Shouldn't Eat After 8pm?

Why You Shouldn’t Eat After 8pm?

How many times have you heard you shouldn’t eat after 8pm? I’ve heard a lot of reasons, one of which is the most popular, but definitely not true. That reason is that the food digests and since you’re not moving, immediately turns to fat. There is a type of logic to that, but you have to remember, no matter when you eat it, a calorie is still a calorie and if you eat 3500 more calories than you burn, you’ll gain a pound. It doesn’t matter when you eat it.

What’s the link to nighttime eating and weight gain?

If you’re prone to snacking at night after 8 pm, there are two problems. The first is that you’re extending the amount of time you eat. Studies show if you limit your window for eating, you’ll eat less, even if you’re not trying to lose weight. Intermittent fasting is based on that fact. Intermittent fasting can be fasting for a day or two or fasting for 16 hours and eating during the other 8 hours. Studies show that people who do this, eat less.

Eating after 8 pm can have health consequences.

If you find you have a runny nose frequently, sinus infections, sour mouth, digestive issues, chest pain and even more dental carries, AND you frequently eat right before bed, you might have acid reflux. Acid reflux can cause stomach acid to splash back due to an improperly functioning or weak sphincter muscle. It can damage the esophagus, causing it to narrow and more recently, has been found to be the cause of chronic sinus infections. Obesity plays a role in it too, so if you put on weight from eating at night, you’ll make it even worse.

Most late night snacks aren’t exactly models of healthy eating.

If it’s 11 or 12 pm and you’re hankering for a snack, you probably won’t take the time to create a healthy one. Most people raid the refrigerator or cupboard, looking for something that’s quick. While some may opt for fruits or vegetables, most opt for snack foods like chips, cookies and cake. There are some people that have to eat, or they can’t fall asleep. If you don’t have enough calories, there’s an instinct to stay awake and look for food. Food high in tryptophan can help create niacin, which is necessary for serotonin that helps you sleep.

  • If you’re in the group that can’t sleep without food in your stomach, be prepared with healthy options that are higher in protein. Have deviled eggs, cheese, chicken slices or veggies with Greek yogurt dip.
  • Other foods that will help improve your sleep are those with magnesium. Magnesium helps relax smooth muscle tissue and reduces stress hormones. Both help you fall asleep faster.
  • Eating at night can also cause digestive upsets. While the calories don’t just go to fat, your digestion does slow down when you sleep. It’s also a time when the tissues repair.
  • Eating fatty meals and snacks before bed can also affect your digestive system. Saturated fat can also affect your sleep in a negative manner. It causes an interruption of NREM sleep, which is the first stage of sleep.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

How Much Is Too Much Sugar Daily?

How Much Is Too Much Sugar Daily?

If you’re working out regularly at LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, it’s pretty obvious you care about your health. I talk to many clients who tell me they also work hard to eat healthy, too. One of the most asked questions is about sugar and what the maximum daily sugar intake should be. In other words, how much is too much sugar? One problem is that today, many foods you might not suspect contain sugar. It’s hidden in everything from ketchup to flavored yogurt.

The recommended amount of sugar each day is about 50 grams.

The recommended amount of sugar daily is based on your total caloric intake. It should be no more than 10% of your total caloric intake. How do you convert that into grams to see how much you really eat? Each gram of sugar is about 4 calories, so identify your caloric intake and divide it by 4. That’s approximately 50 grams. Another simple rule is to take that number and divide it again by 4 to identify how many teaspoons that would be each day. In this case, it’s approximately 12 teaspoons.

Finding out how many grams you eat daily.

If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, simply count the teaspoons of sugar you use and multiply by four, remembering that every four grams is one teaspoon. Read labels to see how much sugar each product contains and add that. A medium-sized glazed doughnut has about 14 grams of sugar. Low fat fruit yogurt has 46.7 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of ketchup has 1.8 grams of glucose, 1.4 grams of fructose and 0.3 grams of maltose, for a total of 3.5 grams of sugar. Be aware that there are many different types of sugar, as noted by the fructose, maltose and glucose, but they all are sugar and all have the same effect on your body.

What is the effect too much sugar has on your body?

Too much sugar can affect your body’s microbiome. It can increase the number of harmful bacteria and yeast in the body, which affects your immune system, mood and many other functions. If you’ve consumed sugar for a long time and give it up completely, you’ll feel withdrawal symptoms that range from a headache or crankiness to flu-like symptoms.

  • Too much sugar can slow your metabolism and increase cortisol. It can increase blood pressure, your risk of heart disease, dental carries, acne, type 2 diabetes, cancer, premature aging and depression to name a few problems.
  • Natural sugar in fruit and vegetables doesn’t have the same effect as added sugar, since the fiber in the sugar slows the absorption so you don’t get the sudden rise and just as sudden drop.
  • Switching to water as your drink of choice can reduce the amount of sugar intake significantly. Studies show that beverages are responsible for 47% of all added sugar, with soft drinks being 25%, fruit drinks 11%, coffee or tea with 7% and energy or sports drinks at 3%.
  • It doesn’t matter whether the sugar is “natural” or not. Sugar is sugar whether it’s maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup or cane sugar.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Are Protein Supplements Effective?

Are Protein Supplements Effective?

If you’ve considered using protein supplements to build muscle or simply want a quick source of protein, you probably have questioned whether they’re a good investment or even if they can be dangerous. First, the answer depends on who is taking them. Some people take protein supplements to build more muscle tissue, but then fail to eat healthy, thinking the protein supplement was enough. Healthy eating should always be the first line of action for building muscle or balancing your diet.

Protein supplements can be beneficial for some people and dangerous for others.

Older people may not process protein as efficiently as younger people and have a more difficult time eating it. For them, protein supplementation may be important. Over supplementation can be dangerous, particularly for people with certain health conditions. The amount of protein you need varies. People who are active and do intense workouts to build muscle require more protein than a sedentary individual. Your weight and gender also determine the amount of protein you require.

You shouldn’t replace healthy eating with a supplement.

Some people are almost addicted to artificial nutrition, pills and special protein drinks to get their micro and macro nutrients. It’s not the right way to use supplements. The name indicates it supplements your diet, not replaces it. Healthy eating should be your first line of defense for a healthy body. When you supplement everything, you aren’t getting all the phytonutrients and natural fiber that you get from real food. You’re also missing out on one of the satisfactions in life, eating a meal you enjoy.

If you choose a protein supplement, do your homework.

Some people use a protein shake after a tough workout to help with recovery and boost muscle building. If you are using it occasionally, but not to replace your regular diet, it can be beneficial, as long as you don’t overdo it and make sure the supplement you use is pure. The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements, so use the evaluation of organizations like the NSF International. They ensure the product doesn’t contain toxic compounds like mercury or arsenic. If it passes, their designation of “Certified for Sports” will be on the label.

  • A protein shake after a workout may be easy to use, great when time is short and easy to transport, but it shouldn’t be used on a regular basis. A hard-boiled egg and crackers are quick, easy and can be made ahead.
  • Protein supplements include protein bars. Read the ingredients. Many of them are nothing more than glorified candy bars. Don’t overdo even healthy ones, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. They still contain calories.
  • Be aware that it’s possible to get too much protein. It can lead to blood vessel disorders, kidney failure liver disease, seizures and cardiovascular disease. Protein deficiency doesn’t often occur in developed nations.
  • Clean Label Project is another company that tests for contamination in protein supplements. It also tests the truth of the labeling to see if it has all the ingredients stated and no hazardous ingredients.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

Workouts for a flat stomach target the abs and help tone the muscles. However, it’s important to remember that no matter how much you work those abs and core muscles or how toned they get, if the muscle is covered with a layer of fat, you won’t get the results you want. Even worse, visceral fat can make your abdomen large. Visceral fat is belly fat and the hardest to lose. It’s also the most dangerous since it crowds the organs.

Doing a plank can tone all your core muscles.

A plank is a relatively easy exercise to explain, but quite difficult to do. Because it’s tough, starting with a kneeling plank is best. The starting position for both the kneeling plank and traditional plank are similar for their counterparts the kneeling push-up and traditional push-up, except the body rests on the forearm in the kneeling plank. For a full plank, the weight of your body should be on the palms of your hands and your toes with your body straight. Hold the position as long as you can and increase it as you get stronger.

Try a simple yoga pose called Navasana.

The Navasana is a combination of leg lifts and sit ups and works your abdominals, getting them into shape quickly. Sit on the floor with your knees bent slightly. Slowly lean back until your upper body is at a 70 to 75 degree angle to the floor. As you do that, push your feet forward and upward until your upper body and lower body form a V. Stretch your arms forward until they’re parallel to the floor with your palms facing each other. Squeeze your abs as tight as you can and hold that position. Make sure you keep your stomach flat and tight while you’re doing it.

Getting a flat stomach can be fun.

It’s spring and the perfect time to start riding your bike. If you’re not ready for the great outdoors or simply don’t have a safe bike path, a stationary bike will work as well. The pedaling action can flatten your stomach. If neither one is possible or you just want a change of pace, lay on your back and pedal in the air. Bicycle exercises, where you bring one knee toward you as the other leg extends, have an additional benefit. As you pedal, you lift your body and touch your elbow to the opposite knee that’s in bent position, working even more muscles and working them differently.

  • If you want a flat belly, remember, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. We can help you with diets that will help you lose weight, including belly fat. You’ll find healthy eating can be delicious.
  • Practice good posture. You can immediately look like you lost five pounds and lose inches around your belly when you stand tall and sit tall.
  • If you want to burn more calories, to help reduce the belly fat, try jumping rope or other endurance workouts or lifting weights or strength building exercises.
  • Try to eliminate stress in your life. That’s not always possible, so lowering your stress levels with regular exercise, breathing techniques or meditation can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is linked to belly fat.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Ways To Get In Your 10,000 Steps

Ways To Get In Your 10,000 Steps

It’s not always easy to fit in 10,000 steps a day, but there are a few hacks that can help you boost the activity each day. It’s not about the actual number of steps, but a way to track your progress and a goal for you to achieve. Having a goal can be a real motivator. When you first start working toward 10,000 steps, you’ll probably find it’s not as easy as you thought, particularly if you live a sedentary life or have a job that keeps you almost chained to a desk. Here are a few ways to boost your steps every day.

You don’t have to do all the walking at one time.

At one time, only a full hour of working out counted as exercise. Then science stepped in and found that intensity and time both mattered and a half hour of intense exercise was just as good as an hour of moderate exercise. Then studies showed that you could break your exercise time into ten minute increments and still get the same benefits. A recent study at the University of Utah showed that every little bit of exercise you get will improve your overall health, even if it’s just moving briskly for a minute. Break down your walking into increments but do that exercise with more intensity.

Every time you go shopping or to work, you can get in extra steps.

It’s simple and saves money and sometimes time, just park further from the door. Some people spend five to ten minutes circling the lot to find the perfect spot near the door. Instead, park in the first spot you see when you enter the lot and add a few extra steps. If you have a choice when you get into the building between taking the stairs or elevator, always choose the stairs for more steps.

Make TV time walking time.

That doesn’t mean you can’t watch television. It simply means that at every commercial you get up and walk in place. A popular show will have tons of commercial time to get in a few hundred steps without interrupting your program. You can even use that time to get more done and throw in a load of wash or do some prep when your meal planning. Are you binge watching Netflix or other apps? Set an alarm clock and get up every 55 minutes and walk for five. It’s also a natural bathroom break.

  • Take a walk during your lunch hour. That doesn’t mean you skip lunch, but either take your lunch or walk to the restaurant. If you take your lunch walk to a park to eat or anywhere you can sit and enjoy the scenery. If you have an hour lunch break, walk 15 minutes, eat and walk back.
  • Bathroom breaks can add to your walking time, just use the bathroom on a different floor or one that’s furthest from your office. If you’re using the bathroom on a different floor, take the stairs.
  • You can turn simple walking into a HIIT workout by varying the intensity of the walk. Just do one or two minutes of intense walking followed by the same amount of time or longer at a moderate recovery rate.
  • Walking won’t replace a full program of exercise, since it has no flexibility or strength training aspects, however, it’s a good place to start and a great supplement for a full program on alternate days.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 247

Snacks That Keep You Fuller Longer

Snacks That Keep You Fuller Longer

If you use any of the online programs at LIV Fitness in Dublin, CA, make sure you use the meal planning app if you want to find snacks that keep you fuller longer. Meal planning isn’t just about three meals a day, but also includes snacks to help you make it through the morning and afternoon so you don’t overeat at meals or binge on candy bars you purchased when you bought gas. Snacks to fill you up and keep you feeling full should contain fiber, fat and/or protein with little or no added sugar if you want a feeling of satiety.

A half an avocado contains healthy fat and fiber.

While avocados aren’t an excellent source of fiber, they’re still a good source. Fiber fills you up because it slows digestion and absorption of sugar, so you won’t spike your blood sugar only to have it drop into a ravine an hour later. Most people fear fat, but you need healthy fat. It’s important for burning fat also. In fact, it’s good for burning belly fat, the hardest fat to lose. It contains monounsaturated fat that not only helps you feel full, also targets the fat around your waist. Top it with hot sauce, a little salt or use it to make guacamole and dip some veggies.

Make a combo or just eat some nuts.

Nuts are a good source of monounsaturated fat and protein and can keep you feeling full a lot longer. If you want a little sweetness for immediate energy and satiety, create a parfait-style snack and have it ready to eat. Start with a 4to 8 ounce Mason jar with a lid. Put a layer of full fat plain yogurt, which is high in protein, a layer of chopped fresh or frozen fruit, a half of a ripe banana cut in rounds, a layer of yogurt and top with walnuts or almonds chopped. Put the lid on and store in the refrigerator until you’re ready for a snack. Mix it thoroughly right before you eat it until the banana mixes with the yogurt to create a thick, creamy base.

Fruit and nut butter is filling, delicious and healthy.

Whether you choose bananas and nut butter or an apple with nut butter, it’s the combination of the sweetness of fruit mixed with the filling of the protein and fat of nut butter. You can also combine plain nuts with fruit by mixing your own trail mix. Raisins, nuts and even a bit of dark chocolate chips create a great combination that keep you feeling full. Make sure put the mix into individual serving size bags so you don’t overeat. It’s easy to do.

  • Make your own dip from beans, chickpeas or yogurt. It doesn’t take much to make a bean dip, mash beans with a bit of olive oil and add garlic, thyme, chicken broth and Italian parsley. Mix yogurt with hot sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Dip veggies as your snack.
  • Create a smoothie or make frozen treats. Toss frozen fruit and/or veggies into a blender with yogurt and create a smoothie or freeze it in Popsicle forms for a frozen treat later.
  • Make a dip from mashed avocado, Parmesan cheese, salsa, spice and lemon juice. It’s great for dipping veggies, delicious and extremely healthy.
  • Make your own microwave popcorn. Use brown paper lunch bags. Put ¼ cup of kernels and microwave until the popping slows. Top with spices or Parmesan cheese for flavor.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 247

How Much Weight Can I Lose Per Week?

How Much Weight Can I Lose Per Week?

There are a lot of ways to lose weight. Some ways are healthy and encouraged. Other ways are not healthy or due to illness, like a bout of the stomach flu that can make you lose lots of water weight. Answering the amount of weight you can lose per week will be based solely on healthy ways to shed weight, not the unhealthy ones, since that amount varies and not desirable.

It’s based on the individual, your exercise habits and how long you’ve been trying to lose weight.

People who are heavier and exercise will lose weight faster than the person who is just a pound or two overweight, simply because it takes more calories to move their body. However, going on a strict diet isn’t necessarily losing fat, but water weight. That type of weight loss is just temporary. If you’re just beginning a weight loss program, especially one that’s low carb, you also may notice an increased weight loss that comes from water weight loss.

If you’ve working toward a healthy weight loss, aim for a pound or two a week.

You can lose more in a week, but that weight won’t necessarily stay off permanently. If you do it by starving yourself, you may actually end up gaining even more weight later. Aim for a pound or two a week and shed those pounds with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Switching to a healthy diet can program you to continue eating healthy after you’ve lost the weight. That will help prevent gaining the weight back later.

You can boost your weight loss with regular exercise.

Diet alone won’t get the fastest results. You’ll tend toward the pound a week rather than the two pound goal. When you add a program of regular exercise to your diet, you not only burn extra calories to help weight come off quicker, you’ll also build muscle tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the higher your resting metabolism is and easier it is to shed those extra pounds. Increasing exercise means you can expect to shed two pounds a week safely if you’re overweight.

  • The reason for rapid weight loss in the beginning comes from burning glycogen stores that are used for quick energy. As you lose glycogen, you lose three times as much water.
  • Don’t weigh yourself frequently throughout the day, but just once a day at the most and do it at the same time every day.
  • Trying to lose weight too fast by cutting calories extremely low or over-exercising can be counterproductive. You can end up losing lean muscle mass, which slows your metabolism, form gallstones or even miss out on nutrients, some of which are important for burning fat.
  • Opting for slower weight loss may not get your ready for next week’s wedding or class reunion, but it does give you time to form new habits that can mean you’ll never have to diet again.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 247

Should You Eat A Salad Before Your Meal?

Should You Eat A Salad Before Your Meal?

In almost every restaurant in Dublin, CA that offers complete meals, the waitress or waiter serves the salad first. Health wise, should you eat a salad before your meal, with your meal or should you eat it after the main course. It’s traditional in America, but not necessarily in other countries. Since the brain doesn’t release leptins, the hormones that make you feel full, immediately, if you want to lose weight, it only makes sense to fill up on lower calorie foods, saving the main dish and dessert for last. However, other countries serve salads at different points in the meal for very good reasons.

Salads in France and Italy come with a meal or after the main course.

The logic for these differences seems rational also. Salads are fibrous and because of that, can help aid digestion. They’re light and full of liquid, which also helps cleanse the palate. Salads traditionally in both France and Italy are often served with a vinaigrette, but recently have come to look more like the American salad, loaded with extras like protein sources and other vegetables and drenched in thick dressings. That changes the overall health benefits of serving it after or with a meal. The olive oil used in Italian salad dressings is also considered a digestive aid with the vinegar cleansing the palate for the wine and dessert.

Salads are normally part of Asian cuisine.

Asian meals tend to combine flavors and food textures in their meals, unlike the Western cuisine that separates each part of the meal. Instead, there are multiple dishes, some with raw vegetables and some with cooked vegetables that begin the meal. Of course, like any broad generalization, it will vary from nation to nation and area to area. Even though there is an assortment of cold vegetables, they’re not served like a salad that has a dressing. They’re usually decorative and festive to begin the meal. These vegetables, however, are often served before the main dishes that are lower in fiber and higher in calories.

Some segments of Indian culture support eating salads after the main dish.

If you follow ancient health treatments, you’ve heard Ayurvedic medicine. Its principles are more about staying well than traditional Western medicine. This practice is traditional in India. They believe that raw and cooked foods shouldn’t be mixed. According to the Ayurvedic practice, eating a salad at least 20 minutes before the main dish helps separate the two.

  • Whether you eat the salad before the main dish, during or afterward, eating more vegetables can help you lose weight and be healthier.
  • If you follow the belief of the Indian Ayurvedic culture, you’ll eat more slowly to separate the warm from the cold food. That can also help you eat less and lose weight.
  • One study found that people who ate salad at any point of a pasta meal at 11% less pasta. However, people who ate salad before the pasta, ate 23% more vegetables. Increasing vegetable intake is important for everyone.
  • Choosing both healthy salads and healthy main dishes is the key to fitness, no matter when you eat the salad. Lean meats and a healthy salad are far superior to a bit of iceberg lettuce smothered in sweet dressing and a hot dog, no matter when you eat the salad.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness