
Is Bone Marrow Healthy?

Is Bone Marrow Healthy?

If you aren’t aware of the latest trend to healthy eating, many of the parts of plants and animal meats that were once discarded are now being eaten. Bone marrow is one of those discards that was once considered trash and is now a treasure for foodies and health enthusiasts alike. It’s the soft part in the center of bones. I’ve always been a huge proponent of bone broth, another way to get the benefits of bone marrow, but have recently found that people swear by the delicious flavor of the bone marrow in roasted bones. It’s used as a spread, much like you’d use butter, spread on potatoes, meat or used to cook an egg in the morning for extra flavor. Some societies consider marrow a delicacy.

Take it from Queen Victoria who ate bone broth every day.

Even though Queen Victoria was no fitness nut and never probably jogged or lifted weights, who lived to be 81, during a time when the average life expectancy was from 38 to 44. Was her secret weapon bone marrow? We’ll never know for sure. She certainly would never be considered thin and fit by today’s standards.

Aside from being a queen’s favorite, bone marrow has many benefits.

Bone marrow is a collection of stem cells that become blood cells and boast a lot of nutrition, plus great taste. They’re high in protein, but also good fat. That healthy fat in bone marrow has a hormone, adiponectin, which regulates insulin, lowers the risk of diabetes, aids digestion and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. When eaten, the stem cells become red blood cells and white blood cells, to boost cell regeneration and improve immunity.

Some studies show that bone marrow has more nutrients than the meat itself.

There’s more calcium in bone marrow and some studies show it has more vitamins and other minerals than the meat we eat, yet it’s often discarded. It offers collagen that cause antioxidants to release in the body and those can even help slow the process of skin aging. You might start rethinking giving that bone to the dog after a meal and even fight Rover for the right to the marrow.

  • The adipose tissues in bone marrow used to be associated with negative effects on health, but recent studies show that it has benefits, especially during calorie restriction.
  • Consuming bone marrow can help joint health. That collagen in bone marrow helps more than just the skin. It helps the joints, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue.
  • The jelly like consistency that occurs to bone broth when cooked is called gelatin. Gelatin helps weight loss, digestion, appetite suppression, brain function and insomnia.
  • It helps fight inflammation and promotes a healthier digestive tract. If you’re not quite ready for bone marrow, try bone broth instead. It’s flavorful and can add improved taste and nutrition to soups.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

See What Happens When You Don't Give Up

See What Happens When You Don’t Give Up

Changing how you look and feel takes time. You won’t drop 30 pounds overnight or exercise once and see huge muscles. It takes time, so even when you feel discouraged, don’t give up. Decide you’re going to workout one more month, one more week or one more day. If you do that enough, you’ll see results that you’ll love. I have clients in Dublin, CA, who had huge goals, but they took them one day at a time and never quit. They got results.

Just do one more.

Doing just one more push-up, one more crunch or one more lunge can bring more results than you thought possible. When you feel like you’re finished and have given your all, try to do one more. Don’t do it at the expense of form, but steady yourself and attempt. If you do this with every exercise, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish. Like any goal, you’ll achieve it faster and get better results when you adopt the one more mindset.

Help yourself stick with it by measuring progress in several ways.

If you’re just measuring your progress by weight loss, you might get discouraged. When you’re working out, you’re losing fat tissue and gaining muscle tissue. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. It’s like comparing the size of a container holding a pound of iron to one holding a pound of feathers. The container with feathers will be larger, so the more fat tissue you have the larger you are. Use various ways to check your progress, like measuring inches or clothing size. When people first start, they often lose inches, but not weight. The results are still the same, they look thinner.

Track your progress.

Keep yourself in the game by keeping score. Track the number of reps, sets and amount of weight you lift. When you feel down, like you’re making slow or no progress, go back to the day you started and see how far you’ve come. You’ll see the improvement in your strength and endurance by looking backward and it makes the journey forward easier.

  • Get a workout buddy. Not only can a workout buddy help keep you focused and accountable, you’ll find that both of you benefit by help each other stay positive.
  • Find ways to increase your exercise time doing everyday tasks. While you might not like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or carrying out the trash, consider it exercise that boosts your endurance or strength. It makes the jobs easier and improves your overall fitness.
  • If you workout in the morning, have your gym clothes laid out the night before you go to the gym and put them on as soon as you get out of bed. Half the battle is getting ready. Once you’re dressed, the rest is easy.
  • Just go to the gym. Tell yourself you only have to workout for five minutes. Once you start, if you feel like it, extend it another five and then another. Before you know it, you’ll complete your entire workout.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 247

Should You Go Grain Free?

Should You Go Grain Free?

If you’re focusing on a low carb diet or think that gluten is the enemy, you might want to go grain free. While eating high volumes of processed flour isn’t good for you, choosing good alternatives can provide benefits. Grain also can create problems, such as being hard to digest. They’re seeds and seeds were meant to be tough to digest and go through the digestive system unscathed. Plants are propagated by birds and animals eating the fruit of the plant and then dropping seeds—grain—in their waste.

Grains supply energy, but not all grain is created nutritionally equal.

While grain can supply important nutrients and energy, there’s a big difference between whole grain and refined grain. Whole grain has all three parts, bran, germ and endosperm. The bran provides fiber and the germ has the nutrients, like vitamins, minerals and proteins. The endosperm, which is part of the whole grain and all that’s left in refined grain, has a bit of protein and the rest is carbohydrates. You’ll get extra calories, but no extra nutrients with refined grains. Even some labels touting whole grain are mostly refined flour with a little whole grain added. Be aware and read the ingredient list.

No matter what type of grain you eat, the protein in the grain is hard to break down.

The protein in grain is a complex protein, that makes it more difficult to digest. The simpler the food, the easier it is to digest. For example, a simple carb, such as sugar, breaks down quickly, while a complex carb takes longer. The gluten in grain is complex, which makes it hard to digest. Gluten has increased in modern grain. Consider going to ancient grains to reduce gluten. Some grains or grain substitutes, such as amaranth, barley, brown rice, quinoa, sorghum, rye and whole oats, even have anti-inflammatory properties.

You need enzymes for digestion. Some grains block digestion.

Plants need good conditions to grow, so they contain an enzyme inhibitor to prevent germination unless there’s adequate water and the right conditions. That helps them to continue the species. These enzyme inhibitors can play havoc in our body, however. That’s because the body requires enzymes for digestion. The enzyme inhibitors in grains can create digestive problems.

  • Grains contain phytic acid, which can affect the absorption of minerals in the small intestine if there’s too much in your body. Too much phytic acid is often considered a cause of leaky gut syndrome.
  • When prepared properly, much of the phytic acid and disaccharides that are hard to digest are removed from grains. Fermenting, soaking and sprouting makes them easier to digest and reduce the phytic acid.
  • If you’re having digestive problems, one of the easiest ways to identify the offender is an elimination diet. Switch to a bland diet and slowly add food back into it. If you find yourself ill when you add grain, it’s time to go grain free.
  • Whether you choose to go grain free or not, use the best type of grain possible. Focus on using whole grains and ancient grains or grain substitutes like amaranth. You’ll get more nutrients and have fewer problems.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness 247

Fat Loss Facts

Fat Loss Facts

If you spend just ten minutes scanning the feed on Facebook or read the stories on Yahoo, you’ll find something about diet or exercise. Everywhere on the internet there are articles that have nothing to do with the truth about losing weight and profess that only the author has the inside track to a weight loss secret. The fact is, if weight loss were only a matter of consuming a certain food or taking a pill, there would be no obesity in America. Doctors would prescribe it and insurance companies would pay for that solution. To help clear up those misconceptions, here are a few fat loss facts to remember.

I often see people recoil when I suggest they eat healthy fat, but fat alone won’t make you gain weight.

Fat definitely is higher in calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates are, but you need a certain amount of fat to function properly. Gaining weight is about total caloric intake. If you stick with healthy sources of fat, such as nuts or avocados and keep your total calorie count within guidelines, you’ll lose weight. Don’t fall for the fat-free dairy options, either. In order to make fat free food taste good, manufacturers often add sugar. The fat in the original product also makes you feel fuller and more satisfied longer.

The best way to lose fat is to go on a diet.

Anyone who knows me, knows how opposed I am to dieting. That might sound funny, since I also talk about calorie intake for weight loss. The truth is that dieting doesn’t work, not only because it leaves you feeling deprived and hungry, but because diets always end. When it ends, people go back to old eating habits that put on weight in the first place, and sometimes even more. What really works is making lifestyle changes that focus on healthy eating, more whole food, eliminating sugar and cutting out processed food. That keeps body fat from returning.

Cardio workouts are the best way to burn fat.

That’s simply not true. While cardio workouts are necessary and burn tons of calories, they don’t discriminate where they get the calories. It burns both fat and lean muscle tissue for those calories. Since muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does, the more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism is. The best route for burning high amounts of calories is strength training.

  • Make your strength training a better fat burner. Turn those exercises into circuit training or high intensity interval training. Vary the speed of your workout or go from one exercise to another with little rest between the two.
  • Make your workout work for you by varying it frequently. When you do the same workout consistently, your body becomes more efficient at the moves and burns fewer calories.
  • Make water your best friend. Not only will staying adequately hydrated boost your performance, it also fills you up if you drink a glass before dinner and you’ll eat less. Even slight dehydration can drain your energy.
  • Focus on workouts that have compound movements. They use more than one muscle group and therefore burn more calories—which ultimately burns fat.

For more information, contact us today at LivFitness247

Increase Your Energy

Increase Your Energy

If you drag through the day, taking every opportunity to sit and rest, it sounds like you need an energy boost. You can increase your energy and it isn’t complex and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, some of the changes you make might even boost your budget as well as your energy level. It all starts with eating healthy. Healthy eating can be budget saving if you do it right and focus on choosing in season vegetables and making your menu ahead of time. If you’re constantly stopping for carryout, you’ll be surprised at how much you save.

Cutting out sugar will also help you improve your energy level.

This goes right along with healthy eating. Even if you don’t switch anything else, consider giving up sugar and products with added sugar. That might sound easy, but it’s not. Sugar is in everything, sometimes hidden by words like dextrose or maltose. The labels may show several types of sugar, which is deceptive. Since each ingredient is ranked in order on the label by the amount contained, breaking the types of sugar down to several different types will deceive you about the amount there actually is. Sugar gives you instant energy, but just a quickly as it occurs, it disappears, making you even more tired. Cut out sugar and you’ll boost your energy level.

Start working out and stick with the program.

Working out increases your circulation, so immediately, you probably feel more energetic, even though you might need a quick rest after each exercise. Exercise also helps burn off the hormones of stress, which can clear your head and give you more energy. The body is amazing and the longer you stick with a workout program, the more energy you’ll have. It prepares the body by increasing endurance and strength.

When you workout regularly, you’ll get better rest at night.

A sound night’s sleep isn’t always easy. Too often you end up with images from the day’s work floating through your head and sometimes, even though you feel weary, you simply can’t fall asleep. Studies show that when you workout regularly, you’ll sleep sounder at night and wake up more refreshed. There’s nothing better to boost your energy level than that.

  • Drinking more water can help you feel more energetic. Sometimes, mild dehydration masks itself in a cloak of exhaustion. Instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, try a bottle of water. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it picks you up.
  • Create a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time each morning. Stick with the same sleep schedule even on weekends.
  • Eat foods that are low on the glycemic index, which includes nuts, high fiber vegetables, healthy oil and proteins, such as lean meat.
  • Learn techniques to deal with stress or eliminate it. There are stressful situations every day, but how you perceive these situations determine whether you’ll be stressed. Deep breathing and meditation can help. So does exercise.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Do You Need A Detox

Do You Need A Detox

There are a number of people that believe that when the body feels sluggish or out of sorts, a good detox or cleanse can help. What is a detox? A detox is a short term change in diet that is designed to help remove the toxins in the body to aid certain health problems or conditions. You may feel you need a detox if you’re out of sorts. It’s It often focuses on the liver and kidneys, the two primary detoxing organs. It provides the nutrition they need to be optimized, while also aiding in removing toxins.

What are toxins and what are the symptoms of overload?

Our environment is filled with toxins. Whether it’s heavy metals like mercury or pollutants in the air, you face toxins every day. Even some of the food we eat contains toxins. The EWG has a list called the dirty dozen that lists the fruits and vegetables that contain contaminants and pesticides, so unless you’re eating organic from a farm or garden you trust, you’re even subject to toxins with healthy eating. These toxins can cause inflammation, producing symptoms like fatigue, headaches, depression, anxiety, joint pain, bloating and constipation.

There are several ways to detox.

You can go on a detox diet, focus on healthy eating and detox drinks or simply fast for short periods. Intermittent fasting has been proven to provide benefits, but not necessarily because of detoxing. Fasting for one to three days, which is different from intermittent fasting, is another way. Some detoxes include limiting your intake to drinking specific liquids like fresh fruit and vegetable juice or lemon juice and water. Some detox diets are elimination diets that often eliminate allergenic foods. Some just eliminate bad habits, like smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol or cutting out refined sugar.

There’s even a popular move toward detox water.

Drinking water is good for you. You need 8 eight-oz glasses a day, especially if you exercise and sweat it out. It helps prevent mild dehydration that can affect your overall performance, cause headaches, body aches, memory problems and if severe, even death. 60% of the body is water. It’s been noted that dehydration in seniors is often mistaken for dementia. That’s easy to understand since 73% of the brain is water. To make water more palatable and add extra benefits, you’ll find slices of lemon, herbs, apples and other fruits and vegetables added.

  • Exercise is normally part of a detox program. Sweating is one way to get rid of toxins. Just make sure you drink plenty of water when you do.
  • Constipation is one problem that detoxing can solve, particularly if detox drinks are used. It adds fluid to hard stools to soften them and make passing waste easier.
  • One important benefit that detox water can offer is energy. It’s not necessarily the additives that help, but the water itself. Water is the quicker picker upper when you’re tired. It’s even better than coffee in most cases.
  • Infused water, often called detox water, can be even more complicated with actual recipes for flavorful water. Cinnamon, apple slices and a touch of apple cider vinegar provides flavor, nutrients but no calories. Some people drink water with slices of lemon or cucumbers to aid weight loss.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Keeping Motivated In The New Year

Keeping Motivated In The New Year

Whether you live in Dublin, Livermore or Pleasanton, CA, you’ll love how easy it is to stay motivated in the new year with Liv Fitness. We created it specifically to help you stick with that fitness plan, with the 24/7 access leaving no excuse for skipping a workout. It’s more than just that. It’s a full service gym when you want it, complete with nutritional help that includes meal planning and grocery lists. It couldn’t be any easier than that.

Do you promise yourself or make a resolution every year that this year will be different, but it isn’t?

I’ve seen it all too many times. People are determined to get back that vitality they once had or get fit for the first time in their life. Sometimes, they don’t even start before that desire fades. Other times, they workout once, twice, a week, or even a month before they skip a few workouts and quit. Liv Fitness makes it easier for you to stick to your resolve. You can work with a personal trainer that will keep you on track or use our no excuse 24/7 gym to stick with your fitness program.

Make it easier to get and stay fit by getting a workout partner.

One reason trainers help you stick with the program is that you have an appointment to meet with them. That holds you accountable for your workout. You can get the same experience when you workout with a buddy, life partner or relative. Knowing you’re meeting them at the gym not only makes you more likely to go, it also makes the workout more fun. However, if your life is filled with people, you’ll probably enjoy finding a time when you can workout quietly and enjoy every minute of mental release.

We take the confusion out of healthy eating and make it easier.

If you’re just starting a fitness plan, it’s hard to get into the habit of regular exercise, but it’s even harder to focus on healthy eating, too. That takes planning time that most people don’t have and time to research, too. Eating healthy is a key to losing weight and living healthier. Our nutrition app can make that easier and keep you motivated to stick with the plan. The easier it is to get fit, the more likely it is that you’ll stick with it.

  • If you need even more help sticking with your program and staying motivated, consider adding the services of our personal trainers to your workout program. You can decide the number of times you work with the trainer.
  • If you’re reluctant to workout because you feel too out of shape, don’t worry. Liv Fitness is a non-judgmental gym. You can feel comfortable knowing that you’ll have staff ready to help when you need it.
  • Cost never has to limit you. Our prices are reasonable and you have unlimited access to the facility. There are even classes available if you like a group workout.
  • Staying motivated is all about developing a habit of fitness and healthy eating. We make it easier for you to do, so that motivation on January 1st is just as strong December 31st.

For more information, contact us today at LIV Fitness

Can Running Lift Your Mood

Can Running Lift Your Mood

Getting physical and active can boost your mood and one simple way to get that benefit is by walking or running. Studies show that there’s a direct correlation between staying active and depression, so much so, many mental health care professionals use exercise as an adjunct treatment for people who are depressed. If you’ve ever experienced a day when you simply feel funky and a little depressed, but find that once you get going and get out, that mood seems to disappear, you understand how just moving and getting out can help.

Stress can cause depression and running or other physical activity helps burn off the hormones of stress.

Blame it on the caveman for that response. Way back when, that fight or flight response came in very handy. It prepared the body to take flight or stay and fight with enemies or predators. Today, stress has many faces. It can be a rude clerk and crowded stores when shopping, a traffic jam or just a crazy computer that has a mind of its own. Fighting or running just isn’t appropriate in these cases, but the brain still sends hormones that prepare the body to do just that. If those hormones aren’t burnt off by running or fighting, it can result in mental changes, such as depression or anxiety. Running is a great way to burn them off and get the beneficial rewards for good health in the process.

Don’t be surprised if your doctor or mental health care professional prescribes exercise.

Medical science is now looking into many of the wise beliefs that came from the past, but never proven. Studies are now showing it’s true. Not only can exercise, such as running, help lift the cloud of depression, it can also help prevent it from returning. It boosts energy levels, improves circulation and even aids in better sleep. Best of all, the only side effect exercise has is a healthier, fitter you.

What causes some cases of depression?

One cause of depression comes from low self-esteem. When you feel bad about yourself, it’s hard to put on a smile and face the world. When you go running, workout or even walk, it helps you look better and feel better physically. It aids in improving posture, while also improving self-esteem. That alone could be of benefit. Exercise does even more. It boosts the serotonin your body makes. Serotonin not only regulates your sleep, it also affects your appetite and your mood.

  • Running, and other forms of exercise, boost the creation of endorphins, the feel good hormones. It slows the production of chemicals that affect your immune system, causing you to feel more depressed.
  • Sticking with a regimen of exercise, even when you don’t want to do it, you start to feel you can accomplish more. Feeling that way starts you on the road to feeling better about yourself.
  • Running gets you out of the house and often just changing your environment can make a difference. You’ll see people as you run and every block will help make depression melt away and take your mind off your worries.
  • I can help you with a program of exercise that can also include running. Not only will the exercise make you feel great, the program will have specific goals and as you achieve each, you’ll feel even better.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness

The Pros And Cons Of Supplements

The Pros And Cons Of Supplements

People take supplements for a lot of reasons. For those who have a medical condition that requires extra nutritional aids, supplements act like medicine, to help the body. However, there are supplements on the market to help boost energy, aid in building muscle tissue and to enhance performance in the gym. Some people take supplements for weight gain or to complement their diet with added vitamin, minerals and nutrients. There are pros and cons of supplements, which can be as benign as wasting money to as dangerous as causing health issues. I always tell clients in Dublin, CA that diet should be the first route for improved nutrition.

Don’t get caught in the trap of supplementing, when you should be improving your diet.

We’re in an age of speed and take a pill, get results. Fitness doesn’t work that way. You can’t take a pill and build muscle tissue overnight anymore than you can take a supplement as a substitute for a well balanced diet. There are reasons for supplements, such as seniors supplementing because they don’t absorb the nutrition as well or pregnant women who need extra nutrients. In those cases, paying extra for nutrients that the body can absorb more easily is important.

Vitamins that are affordable, often aren’t bioavailable.

What is bioavailability? It’s the ability to absorb the vitamin or nutrients. While it’s already been mentioned that some people have difficulty absorbing those nutrients from food, such as seniors, it’s also true that less expensive supplements often aren’t absorbed easily either. They are flushed away when you go to the bathroom. Some nutrients in supplements also affect how the person absorbs other nutrients. High fiber foods and fiber supplements can affect the absorption of nutrients. However, supplementing can boost absorption, too. Vitamin D, from either sitting in the sun or food, can help you absorb calcium better.

Bodybuilders tend to supplement with extra protein and nutrients to help improve their workout and body.

If you’re a body builder, you probably already have viewed all the supplements. Most of them are protein supplements, which provides more muscle building and repairing material. Protein is made from amino acids, such as those found in milk, beef, chicken and pork. Creatine is one of those amino acids and it helps to add bulk to muscles. While that’s a good thing for some, there’s a downside. Taking too much can cause kidney or heart problems. It can cause diarrhea, cramps and dehydration if you take too much and identifying how much each person needs without complicated testing is difficult. .

  • Supplements don’t provide the synergy that food does. There was a study focusing on isolating the anthocyanin from blueberries as a cancer treatment, but it was found ineffective, since the anthocyanin in the blueberries require the other nutrients in the blueberry to be effective.
  • Most people are far better off getting nutrition from healthy eating. To be bioavailable, a high quality, expensive supplement is necessary. Inexpensive supplements are flushed away in the toilet, rather than absorbed. For the average person, high quality supplements cost far more than a healthy diet.
  • While excess water soluble vitamins like vitamin C can be flushed out of your system via urine, that’s not true of fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A. They can build in the body to toxic levels. When you get nutrition from food, that’s not possible.
  • Eating healthy is a far more satisfying way to get nutrition. I can help you with a program of healthy eating that is also satisfying, while providing all the nutrients necessary.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness

Is It Possible To Burn 1000 Calories In One Workout?

Is It Possible To Burn 1000 Calories In One Workout?

If you’re focused in on weight loss, you may have run across articles about programs where you burn 1000 calories in one workout. Is that at all possible. Well it is, but for a select few and not for everyone. Sometimes, it’s all about the math, where the calorie burning numbers come from a five-minute segment of the workout, then applied to every minute of the workout. If that short five minute segment has you burning 100 calories, then it’s deduced that 50 minutes would have you burning 1,000. However, the intensity doesn’t stay the same throughout that full 50 minutes. If it did, most people would have to quit midstream.

Your gender and body composition makes a difference in how many calories you burn.

No matter how much it’s protested, when it comes to losing weight, men have all the luck. That’s because men burn more calories doing the same activity as women. It comes from Mother Nature endowing them with more muscle mass, which grows even faster than women’s muscle mass when they’re both in a program of exercise. If you compared a man with a woman after one year of weight training, a man would have put on six to nine more pounds of muscle mass doing the same thing, including expending the same effort. Women tend to start out with less muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn. So their normal body composition works against them when it comes to burning that 1,000 calories.

Other factors determine how many calories you’ll burn.

Age plays a big role in how many calories you burn, so does how much you weigh and your genetics. The older someone is, the harder it is to build muscle and burn calories. That means not only will it take longer to build, but an older person will burn fewer calories while working out. Your present weight makes a difference. Think of carrying that extra 20 to 30-pounds like carrying a barbell or dumbbell of the same weight as you workout. You’d definitely burn more calories. Even genetics can work for you or against you when it comes to burning calories.

How intense the exercise is does make a difference.

As noted before, it’s all about the math. If the 1,000 calorie burner is based on an intense portion of the workout, then the calories burned will seem higher, even though it’s a false assumption. Choosing workouts that burn more calories such as weight training, will improve the number of calories burned, but it won’t get you to the 1,000 per workout if you’re the average person. That’s even when you’re going at it hard, with few breaks and heavier weight. However, it will burn more than a less intense workout.

  • Types of workouts that burn a high amount of calories include HIIT—high intensity interval training—circuit training, intense cardio and kettlebells. While they may not burn 1,000 calories a session, you’ll still get many benefits.
  • No matter how many calories you burn in a workout, you still have to eat healthy to lose weight. If you go to the gym, burn 1,000 calories and then eat a supersized double Big Mac meal that has 1580 calories, you’d still gain weight.
  • Sprint interval training is another way to burn a lot of calories. You use a treadmill and vary your speed with fast walking, sprinting, back to fast walking and then cool down. You can use a weightlifting HIIT workout that provides afterburn, too.
  • I not only help my clients with the workouts that will burn maximum calories, but also help them learn a healthy way of eating to reduce the caloric intake and lose weight faster.

For more information, contact us today at Liv Fitness